I got an idea for a new song about the Prius. Let's all pitch in and work on this one. Everyone make a line and we will create the hyper milling anthem. Constructive feedback welcome.... you have your banjo i have my guitar you have your pick-up truck i have my hybrid electric car you have your honkey tonk i have my pub i have wholefoods you have your gun Chorus - the open road the open road nobody knows where it goes you drive aggressive i drive slow let's not let the nations divide get between us on our open roads
Here’s the bridge: It takes every kind of freak to fill the free-way, Driving easy is the cheapest tax I pay.
You must has seen/listened to that "Whole Foods Parking Lot" video? If not, worth a watch. My wife loves that damn place...
You like to roll that coal I like to pulse and glide. You stay left and go, I'll stay right and joyride.
I haven't but it sounds good. Link? I actually have a CSA and I've got a solar powered food co-op by our house over in woodstock. I love good fresh food!
my wife loves whole foods to, for certain things. we do a csa and have a garden, but you always need fill-ins. and then there's the other 3 seasons...
I hit my brakes and regenerate, You hit your brakes and you “rollerskate” I cruise along like a wispy cloud You rumble up like a Thundercloud (Okay.....those were.....terrible ) iPhone 6s +
I like to try to stay alive driving 58 in the 55. I don't think there's any gain tailgaiting me in the slow lane. With two more lanes to pass me by, the open road is worth a try.