On the Toyota web site I find many references to a cool app called Find My Prius in the Entune App Suite. Trouble is, when I open my Entune App, it doesn't look like the ones on the web site or in their YouTube examples. Mine doesn't have a Find My Prius app. Can anyone tell me what I'm not understanding? I have a 2017 Prius Prime Plus.
I thought this was going to be a “Where’s Waldo” based on the title. The Plus trim is void of a lot of the more “Advanced” features. But from what we see here, we’re not missing much. Good luck and keep us posted .
Could you explain what the "Entune phone app on advanced" is? Is that for a different car, or should I be looking for a different app? I didn't notice anything in the App Store. Thanks.
There are different trim levels for the Prime: Plus, Premium and Advanced. The Advanced has all of the functionality while the Plus does not.
Here's what it looks like on a 2017 Advanced... Vehicle finder has not been useful for me yet. Haven't forgotten where ive parked yet. Charge Management and Remote Climate are really the only useful ones for me. Eco Dashboard is cute, but not really necessary and Google is better for finding charging stations.
You can use navigation apps on your phone to mark your parking spot. With Apple Maps, this is automatic if you have location services proper configured and your phone is paired to your car. With Google Maps, you have to remember to set the location of the car before you leave it.
Just a note, check the time when using vehicle finder to be sure it is the last time you parked. I was testing the feature out the other day and the parking location was several hours old. I had driven somewhere else in the meantime. Of course you are going to notice the location isn't where you most recently parked, the next question is how do you get it to refresh? There doesn't seem to be a way in Entune with the "vehicle finder" app open to get it to refresh. But a workaround is to open the "Charge Management" app, which does have a refresh button. Refreshing the charge info apparently also fetches the location data, because when I went back to the "Vehicle Finder" it had the correct location.