I don't appear to be burning any oil. I've been checking the dipstick every 5k (including right before getting it changed) and I haven't noticed any loss over time yet. Though I believe I read something about the piston rings being redesigned mid-2014 so my 2015 may not be predisposed to burning oil like your 2010. I'm hesitant to work on the car in my apartment lot since the lease has a clause prohibiting vehicle maintenance and I'd probably get reported by one of the "neighborhood watch" type old ladies. As of right now I'm not hearing anything that would cause me concern so I'm just going to leave it alone. Have you tried a fuel additive?
I agree it’s better to play it safe. I have not tried fuel additives yet but plan to next step. I am also considering doing a piston soak. I love my Prius. I have owned many cars and believe it is one of the best cars I have owned.