The estimate is not what matters, since it is purely an estimate based on previous history. How far you actually can go is the key. Have you been able to go the distance that equals the estimate?
While past performance is no guarantee for the future returns, for me GOM has been fairly accurate in predicting how far I can drive on EV. My GOM stays 31-34 miles all summer long and I get 30-35 miles of actual EV range. However during winter time GOM always overestimate by 3-5 miles. It usually stays 20-25 miles, but in reality I can only get 18-20 miles during winter with heat on.
The more consistent your driving, the more accurate it is. That's basically how it calculates it's range. If you're daily mi/kWh are the same, then the gauge is going to be accurate. If they vary a lot (different acceleration patterns / speeds / drivers) it'll be less accurate
Don't spoil the warm and fuzzy feeling of turning on your Prime and seeing yourself approaching Clarity EV range! Yes, I know its a GOM-inspired illusion, but I can still dream, right?
Finally broke 40 EV miles. Realized 40.6 and GOM started at 37.7. Temps in the 80's and no A/C, the humidity hasn't hit "yet".
I came close to that once before the heat hit. Those day are over for us here till maybe late October or even November. It only got down to 80 this morning. Feels like has been over 100 for a while and my thermometer read 106 on the dash yesterday afternoon, but that was on black asphalt. (Which is where we usually drive, so that's more relevant than what's on the TV or radio.) Edit to add: I've noticed that if I can pre-cool the car while plugged in, it helps a LOT.
I will say that having the car for over 1 Year now, I have a good gauge in what to realistically expect. 30-35 miles consistently during warm weather months, 18-22 during winter driving. Remarkably consistent in these ranges. There are a few outliers on either end, but if heat is needed expect lower in winter. A/C in summer knocks down range about 2 miles. I am greedy, so I tend to hyper-mile regularly in ev mode. I don’t find it useful to try and “save” ev for city driving. When I start the car, I use up all the ev range first. No cycling between ev/hv. Find it pointless bc hybrid engine is so efficient anyways. Happy driving everyone!
I am getting so close to 40 miles EV range. It seems so close but is so far away! My EV range was steadily increasing from low 20 miles in early April and reached 38.7 miles, then one day of careless driving (well, by my wife) dropped it down to 36. It took almost 10 days to get it back to 37.8 miles. Now weather is heating up, AC use is going to knock it down again.
Finally, I am back to a previous high mark of GOM at 38.7 miles. But, it's getting hot. AC is required in the afternoon drive. AND my wife drove the car today.
That's terrific!! And it's amazing how opposite our numbers are with the seasons. I can't wait for winter. (edit to fix insane typos. )
Opposite indeed. Forgive me if I do not share your eagerness. Our winters can be long and deep. Meanwhile, progress continues as some of us are granted a couple more months to hopefully match last year's numbers.
You increased Drive Moiter 2 lifetime EV efficiency reported on Jun 21 What is your miles/kWh (total average electricity consumption) on the "Drive Monitor 2" | Page 2 | PriusChat from 4.9miles/kWh to 5.0miles/kWh. That's great in such a short period. I have been trying for the last three months, and I finally got it to 4.6 miles/kWh from the previous 4.5 miles/kWh. My odometer passed 30K mile now, trying to change the lifetime average takes a long time. I don't think I can achieve 5 miles/kWh range before it gets cold, when my EV efficiency will plummet to ~3miles/kWh.
I get that! Having lived in both climates and occasionally dealing with -30F temperatures, there is a perverse similarity. In our summer, we dash from the house to the car and hate to be outside, just like you folks do (and I used to do) in the winter.
Actually I do more outdoor activities in winter than in summer. When the temp gets above 80F outside, I don't do much outdoor things. You can't get cooler by being active outside, but you do get warmer in winter.
You guys are doing way better than me. I have maxed the GOM at 37 miles thus far. When I’m forced to do any highway driving, it has dropped to 35 or less. real mileage has been 30-35 miles, but in extreme heat (over 84 deg) and many hill climbs, I can’t do more than 23-25 miles. Sucks. But alas, it is what it is. Keep chugging away fellas.