So I have a 2008 Prius and I've been noticing lately that it's leaking oil under the front right side of the car. It leaks a considerable amount every day so I should probably fix this somehow quickly. It has yellow paint around the leak for some reason too. What should I do?
Well, maybe someone will recognize the yellow "paint" but it looks like the last person to change the oil might not have tightened the drain plug properly (or forgotten to put on a crush washer gasket). That's an easy fix - take it back to your oil change place and ask them to check it. (It also is possible they stripped the threads - that happened to me once at a dealership and they had to change the oil pan bottom - but they will figure that out too..)
Huh, our daughter's Pilot has some paint sprayed around the oil pan drain bolt too. Wonder if it's some quicky-oil-change place quirk?? Anyway: as mentioned above, I'm guessing the drain bolt threads are partially stripped, due to previous abuse. A replacement oil pan might be needed? Who's doing your oil changes? Are you able to do one yourself, check the drain bolt and oil pan threads? For sure check the oil level on the dipstick right away.
Dealers put that yellow paint on that oil pan dump bolt to prove they addressed it. Probably tightened the shite out of it multiple times and now the bolt is bad. The bolt is sacrificial it is softer than the pan threads so you really have to work at it to bugger up the pan threads. But it can be done. Go to the dealer and buy a new pan bolt. Have the oil changed preferably not at a dealer. I replace my pan bolt every 10 times I have changed the oil. Very good insurance for just this very reason. Keep your eye on the oil level till this is fixed. Run the engine out of oil its new engine time $$$$. Check it every day before starting the car. Top off if necessary. That is all.
I could swear I see a "blackish gasket" under the drain plug bolt head. IF there is a gasket, bolt is undertight or cross threaded. If OP has NEVER been checking engine oil level, start doing it yesterday, and a for ever oil lubricated engine moving forward. The more regular and frequent the oil level checks, the better. It is best to check on level ground, and after the engine has sat for a few hours or the next day before driving off.
I had a similar leak and found this washer used on the drain plug. First oil change and problem solved. For your sake, I hope that yellow stuff isn't a sealant hiding something nasty. Here is a blue Toyota drain crush washer versus the leak maker some hack installed.