Today I had oil change done by my mechanic and learned how to reset the "Maintenance required" reminder on dash display. Note: During this entire process, dont step on the brek pedal or any pedal at all press power button, again press power button. You can see the dash booting up. change trip to trip A on your steering wheel buttons. press the power button to power off. Now press(and keep holding on it dont release this till, it will be asked to release in the steps below) the KMPL/MPH button near the door connection to the dash on your left hand side near the turn signal stick. While you hold the above button, press power button. (again press power button.) Now you can see the "Maintenance data resetting" message on dash. Once you see "Complete" message in the Dash, release the KMPL/MPH button. press the power button to turn off the car. Now to drive, press the break+power like regular car starting and ride-on. An unrelated question: My mechanic recommended oil change for every 8K miles while owner's manual suggests 10K miles. Mechanic reasoning was, if we drive on highways, 10K is okay but for city/country side drive, it should be 8K. How accurate is it?
I try to keep it at about 7500 to 8500 miles just for about the same reasoning. I know it's a little paranoid to be that proactive about oil changes, but I do want this car to last a long while. be well
I consider the 10K OCI to be a maximum limit. I prefer to do it sooner. I changed the oil on the PiP about ever 7,500 even though that was only about 4,000 miles on the engine. Do the same with the wife's '07. I'll keep the Prime at 10k or less while it's still under warranty even though I'm about 95% EV. Then I'll let the calendar take over from the odometer unless I make some long enough trips.
As per the manual. But I always try to exceed the manual's expectations. No way would I actually wait 12 months before changing oil. Probably, 9 would be my max.
if you're willing to take a sample of oil at 9-12 months and have it tested, you could find the additives may not have broken down and the oil still has good properties/life in it. You could then extend your change interval. Or, just carry on