Am considering looking at, measuring and cleaning and retightening to proper torque specs ALL HV battery connections. In the beginning I may only check a few of the connections. Knowing how serious even mild corrosion can affect all the series, parallel connections, even a consistent 1/10 of a volt variation could result in a lesser output after conducting thru 100-200 connections. I first purchased the Prime in 2016 and it’s daily readings after charging at home was ~ 35 mile range, now it’s only about 25 miles with only 31,000 miles on the car. I don’t believe this is normal. The reseating of any of the modules would also probably improve overall mpg readings, however there I foresee other problems cropping up in the present programming and I don’t want MAKE problems in that area. My question is: Has anybody attempted this type of early preventive battery check on any Prius ? Note: I did do a reboot on the 12Volt and produced dramatic and unexpected results on the Avg mpg readings. ( just did a new thread ). Avg. mpg readings should certainly affect range.
I had not planned on removing anything thru hoist. One used to be able just take the top battery cover off and there were all the batteries! I have removed the cardboard covering and observed that HV battery access seemed to be the same. Did not remove Al cover, at that time. i had watched this before, and he is very good. I’m looking for a simpler access, equivalent to the 2005.
Is this the predicted range on the dash display, or the range you are actually achieving? Has your actual EV range (as measured with similar drives) also dropped by the same amount? What problems do you foresee, and why do you expect them?
I have never put much credence in the predicted range. There seems to be an unfathomable algorithm behind that. I have been evaluating my EV capacity by actual range, not what the dashboard predicts.
The only preventative maintenance I’d do on the Prime would be an early trans drain and fill along with an oil change before the 10 k mile change. Just did those last weekend: What did you do to your Prime today? But I’m at a lower mileage total at 4400 miles. I wouldn’t worry about the battery yet as you are still under warranty and only bad things can happen when opening the pack up prior to the warranty expiration .