That certainly doesn't count as open highway. They could easily pile up into the Chevron station at the last traffic light where the road curves into the Barnett.
Not sure but I think he went right at that last light, heading up Burnaby Mountain way. I actually pulled in to that station last night, we were running low. That's my favourite gas station: tanking up and resetting the trip meter there, you can then roll all the way to the bottom of the hill, get "great" mpg. Yeah, that guy was way beyond irritating, frightening when he blew by. I really was checking the rear views after, thinking he was being pursued.
Dumb crazy sumbitches! (And Prius drivers too? I thought they had better common sense!) When you get caught, I hope you end up in the cell next to mine. So I can kick your damn stupid a**!
Lots of us have either tried or wanted to try to see how fast our ride will go. And please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not chastising or judging any of us here. I've done this stuff, too. I've had my motorcycles over the ton several times, but I don't think I have with a car. But... Just a sobering reminder that I saw today on the way home from church. Motorcyclist speeding and weaving through traffic met his Maker at the driveway to a Walmart. Shredded the bike. Blood all over the place. All three lanes closed. And 40 minutes later, a semi plowed into the investigation. Biker was the only fatality the last I knew. Just another day in the Tampa Bay area. They're dying like flies out there and it often seems like no one cares.
Yeah. It makes sense to me given the thrust-to-weight numbers. Priuses are never going to be accused of being over-powered BUT they are slick. It's not like you're trying to push a 2x4 through the air, and so even the relatively puny 130BHP should be able to push a 3200# car along at 120+'s the deal. The fun pedal is probably electronically limited to about 112mph. The real limit is probably metric and since humans usually have ten fingers it's probably somewhere around 180kph. Somewhere in a dystopian future where humans are not allowed to drive their own personal conveyances we're probably going to have to think metric or just not think for ourselves, but for now we can presume that the limit is close to 115mph. The reason for the variations in all of the scofflaw Youtube vids can probably be explained by differing tire sizes, terrain, and environmental issues. Aircraft usually have a "service ceiling" and a "zoom climb" the latter being reached by getting a good running start and then climbing like crazy, and so the same thing should work with the Prius. The way that Vehicle Speed Sensors (VSS) usually work is by using a magnetic pickup on something like an output shaft or half axle to produce a set of pulses that tell the squirrels how fast to run on the treadmill. When you reach a preset value, then the ECM stops the fuel flow to the ICE. It feels exactly like what you would expect, until the vehicle's speed is reduced enough for the ECM to start sending acorns to the squirrels again. So..... If you want the fastest Prius in the land you can either remove the VSS limiter electronically -or- if you just want a small incremental change you can try to stuff a larger tire onto the car. According to the interwebs......the OEM Prius tire size is something like 196/65r/15. If one were able to stuff a 225/70r15 tire onto the rim and inside the wheel well then it should decrease the rotations per mile by something like 9-percent and allow your car to go about 10mph faster - but the speedo will still top out at whatever it did before, so the prospective organ donors will have to use a GPS to output a true speed-over-ground (hopefully) for their videos. The really good news is that if you use the MDF to determine your fuel efficiency, then it probably will keep lying to you and you will be "statistically" just as fuel efficient as you were before. Of course.....all of this is just me spec-u-guessing and pulling stuff out of the trunk!! One should never ever EVER do terminal velocity tests on public roads, or put tires on their cars that are not recommended by the manufacturer. ....Ever! Jerry offered wise council in the post above this one.
Were you driving down Pikes peak in Neutral? You engine would be turning at well over 7,000 RPMs otherwise Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The only way a Prius is going to reach 132 mph is just before it hits the ground after plummeting off the edge of the Grand Canyon.
Hi all. Greetings from Germany. Late last summer I was up north. On my way back home on a lonely stretch of the A1 I took my Gen 3 up to 173 km/h. On 15" rims with all-season tyres. It was not fun! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I-5 South going from Red Hill to Oso. Indicated on the dash. It was mph. Before that my record was 128. I just happened to have optimal racing line available the whole way and didn't need to brake for traffic. Entered the downslope where the 405 merges in going probably 110 ish (???). Maintaining momentum is the big factor since the car is pretty aerodynamic. I honestly only decided to run that night because an Accord noticed I was following optimal racing line around Jeffrey/Culver and drove up flashing his High Beams at me (traffic was low enough risk for me). At around 120-125, the rear starts to get a bit shaky, but it's still manageable (I've ran 150 in a '96 Corolla and 135 in a '09 Corolla a lot before I got this Prius). My impression is that top speed is probably 134/135... could be wrong...
Gen 2 hit all three redlines at 112, MG/1, M/G2 and the engine were all at max RPM. The V is Limited to 103 MPH, it has a lower (higher numerically) final drive ratio than the rest of Gen 3, which is limited to 115 MPH. ( v = 3.7, Gen3 = 3.27) All that is hypothetical, on one bad day I hit 95 MPH when I pulled out to pass a combine and discovered it was 5 combines in a row. It steers with the back wheels, top speed is about 40 MPH. the head is removable so it can travel on roads, and varies by crop.
If you don't believe that, I once went 180 mph in a 1985 non-Turbo VW diesel, in a school zone, with the windows open and the radio blaring. Indicated speed on the broken speedometer, and all the while getting 50 mpg. While sipping a beer. Wearing a Speedo, and dark sunglasses. Poodle in the passenger seat, also wearing shades. I had video, but the poodle ate it.
You mean you don't believe that he got a special unit without the electronic speed limiter programmed into it that all the rest of us have?
No one has to believe it (I expected no one would unless someone else posts something similar); I just posted my answer to the op. I don't think it's a special unit (i got it from my aunt little over 2 years ago and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have done anything to it), but if the speed limiter was supposed to kick in earlier, it hasn't for me (I've felt the speed limiter kick in on the '09 Corolla so I would have known).
jb recently mentioned.... I once went 180 mph in a 1985 non-Turbo VW diesel, in a school zone, with the windows open and the radio blaring. Indicated speed on the broken speedometer, and all the while getting 50 mpg. While sipping a beer. Wearing a Speedo, and dark sunglasses. Poodle in the passenger seat, also wearing shades. I had video, but the poodle ate it. Did you forget to mention this was also while you had 4 space saver spares on the car?