Following up on my previous post about a Car and Driver story on Toyota's accelerated plans for more EVs, here is a link to a related article in Jalopnik: Toyota Woke Up in 2019 to Realize People had 'Sudden' Urge for Electric Cars Rafael Orlove writes: "I would say that today is Tuesday, June 11, 2019, but it appears that if you’re a major automaker or automotive researcher, apparently it’s the mid 2000s. I guess everyone woke up this morning and realized that electric cars are a thing. Maybe they’d been napping!" He concludes that regulation and competition may be as much a factor in Toyota's strategy as any newly-discovered "sudden urge" in demand for electric vehicles.
Something when wrong when I posted it. I immediately saw a huge amount of HTML which I cannot explain. I quickly used the edit function to delete the HTML garbage (which was pages and pages long) and fix the message. . . . So you and Tideland Prius are both right!
It's an known issue with Jalopnik articles. Since the garbage doesn't show up until after it is posted, I've taken to just posting the article title for them.
I’ve always wanted to ask the Toyota engineers or presenters which did they think would be invented first for home use: a DC Charging station or a hydrogen refilling station capable of 700bar? Unsupervised! iPhone ?