Hi all, Still pretty new here. Hoping for some quick advice. My wonderful husband went to back my 2012 Prius into the garage after taking some golf clubs out of the hatchback. In the process he forgot to close the hatchback and now my spoiler is detached from my car. It appears to be wired to the car because of the lights that are built into the spoiler. Is my car safe to drive on the highway or will I be doing further damage to the electrical/spoiler or anything by doing so? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
If the spoiler isn't flopping about in the wind or a hazard, drive it. If there any electrical problems, the fuse will blow. Get an appointment at a shop to get it fixed and drive it in the meantime.
Hello! We would need some pictures to get a better idea of what is wrong. Could you provide some pictures?
You'll be fine... the wires you see are just for the 3rd brake light. I'd cover up all the holes with some duct tape, to keep the water out, until you can get it fixed.
Just duct tape it down securely until you can get it fixed. The light might even still work. I agree with Burna J about taping over any place where water might run in.