Got an email from a Genuine Parts supplier, offering "up to 32% off" Genuine Toyota parts. Just for giggles, I thought I'd see if that 32% applied to HV batteries. I drilled down through their website only to find they list two distinct p/n for HV batteries, and list BOTH as "This part is discontinued. It is no longer available for purchase." P/N are G9510-47031 and G9510-47030. Weird. Evidence here:
I don’t think “Toyota parts deal” is affiliated with Toyota motor corporation. Here’s the battery from a real Toyota parts seller. Battery - 2004-2009 Toyota Prius (G9510-47031) | Tracy Toyota
They can’t sell that battery for 32% off. That’s less than the dealers pay. So they just list it as discontinued. Here is the actual Toyota corporation parts website. Put your zip code in pick a dealer and type the part number into the search area. Toyota Parts Center Online | Genuine Toyota Parts & Accessories They even fixed the error where they were adding the core deposit in the price.
It's a shame that no dealer within 200 miles of me uses the Toyota Parts Center. But there are $1600 batteries if I want to drive over 200 miles.
200 miles? That’s crazy. I remember the parts counter guy saying it was a pilot program. I wonder if anyone in any other state can use it?
Thousand Oaks is a little far south for me but it shows that the separate dealers sell for different prices on the website. Sometimes parts less at Tracy Toyota and more at Roseville Toyota. Sometimes it opposite.
Three years ago, I drove 800 miles r/t to save about that much over what local & area dealers wanted to gouge me.
But the difference between Thousand Oaks and Dealer Price (1950) is 310 dollars. I would drive 800 miles to save 1600 bucks...310 dollars, not so much.
All you have to do is call the GREENBEANBATTERY they will come to you and install it for a low price. I have a 2006 and the price was 1549.00
Could the difference have been different three years ago, say, closer to $1600 maybe, at the time fotomoto drove 800 miles to take advantage of it?
Sorry to disagree, but don't call Green Bean. Their batteries are rebuilt, not new, their five year warranty is pro-rated, and no matter how good their rebuilding is, for that price, you definitely should get a new battery.
Wow, I almost sprayed my drink all over my computer....this may be one of the funniest posts I've read in a LONG time...$1549 is such a great deal for a used battery compared to $1600 for a brand new one......