Hey, I just went over 100k and I’ve started to notice that the transmission....spools up and down longer than normal if I press on the gas and release, I assume it is the transmission. I’m probably not using the correct terms and maybe this is normal for the mileage but this is my first cvt transmission, I wouldn’t really think much of it with a standard transmission. It almost feels like it’s in the B mode on the shifter but it’s not. I’m planning on changing the transmission fluid this weekend, I put it off too long. I previously changed the fluid at 60k. Any suggestions or thoughts? Thanks, Steven
if anything is wrong, it is more likely the hybrid battery. how long have you owned it? it's probably normal.
The first change is most crucial, at least if the fluid color is any indication. Did you use Toyota ATF WS, filled with the car level?
Just for giggles try disconnecting the 12 volt negative cable for a minute or two, see if it changes anything. I know that'll cause the engine to rev up during start up, for just the first minute or so, like it's recalibrating something. Note your trip meter values before doing this, if you care. And your radio presets will be lost, also window auto-up may need to be relearned. I've managed to dodge the latter, doing this with brake jobs.
Really unlikely to be related to ATF. Hybrid battery is often suspect with these symptoms. On the other hand it's a 2013; unusual to see hybrid battery problems in one that young. I like Mendel's reset suggestion.
I think that helped a little, I also went ahead and changed my fluid today. The fluid was only 40k miles old but it didn’t look that great, it almost looked watered down but it wasn’t. We’ll see, I want to keep this until they come out with the convertible Supra, hopefully this will get me there without any major expenditures. The problem was like the transmission was in a lower gear and it was almost like braking in the B mode.