Thanks! Takes me back to my dad who used to talk about his 1957 BelAir. Apparently that was some car~something about the backseats,which he never made too clear to me. He also loved "The End" as well as "Dead flowers" and "waiting to die" by Townes Van Zandt. Dad did have his dark side for a reformed hippie from Humboldt County, California. kris
This car of the mid-90's was about as street a 4-door you could get ... ever. Police dept's really liked these.
In 1968, my dad went out to buy a new car. We didn't know this at the time. He got an Impala, fully loaded. Drove it back home for the family's look-see and approval. But he wanted mom to get in it, and drive him back to the dealership for some reason. There, waiting, was the other Impala, in a different color. Because two is better than one. I would try to destroy one of these (mom's) some years later in my dumbest-ever car wreck. But that proved somewhat difficult. Back then, you could hit a tree head on and damage the tree as much as a tree could damage a car. They built them heavy and tough. Still cost me a bundle paying to have it fixed up. Parents wouldn't let me have the insurance take care of it to teach me a lesson. So, lesson learned. And, because of the dumbosity of what I did, the insurance most likely wouldn't have covered it.
Makes me think of this video: I remember growing up with the big, heavy cars of the 60's and 70's, floating down the road in our land-yachts. Those truly were the days...
There was a white pearl one on the lot when we were looking at Malibus. We both agreed it was a beautiful car.
I wouldn't eulogize the antelope juuuuust yet. It's kinda hard to buy a 1988 Impala...or a 1999 model...for the some reason....or the same reason.
I helped a buddy scout for an Impala SS, he wound up buying it to use as a picture car in a movie. Fun car! I think he still has it. I do wonder if he ever got around to properly fixing the tiny nicks and chips in the paint. For the movie we fixed them with a sharpie.