!LOL! Dear Google, please don't make a new tab automatically display my most visited sites by default. Seriously. Don't. :nono: I hurt myself I laughed so hard, WTH were they thinking? Can it be turned off? Supposedly IE 8 will have an anonymous [Porn] browsing mode built-in. Although problems have already been discovered with it. Wildkow p.s. any chance I can talk you into Folding again?
well...i did not imply that google is good because they are not MS.... google is good because imm, they provide a superior product and a high level of talent to back their product. no Chrome is looking like anything but its namesake, but i have confidence that google will do a good job to get it right. dont get me wrong, google has made a TON of mistakes, but they have also been one of the best companies i can remember in being proactive when realizing mistakes they have made. i cant remember what it was, but they did another beta of a program that basically did just a little too much to make personal info a little to easy to get, so they scraped the program less than two days after it was released due to customer feedback...ya...TWO DAYS. MS would never admit to making a mistake, and if they did, it would probably have taken much longer for them to rectify it... now, should we base everything we do against MS? well...that is not what i am doing nor do i think that is what everyone should be doing... for one thing, i did not abandon internet explorer (i dumped IE more than 5 years ago) to use chrome, it was firefox... an open source poster child leading the movement AGAINST MS...so i want firefox to do well, but i also want other options. so, ya... i will use chrome until i decide its not worth it for me... and its still faster than FF ...faster by a long shot
Having developed quite a number of html/css/javascript websites myself, I can certainly confirm that. On numerous occasions, one has to add IE as a special case in the code. You quickly learn to hate IE if you are a web developer (I never use it for regular browsing anyway). Fortunately, things have gotten a bit better with the last upgrades. I would say that FireFox fitted that spot nicely. The way I see it, there was never a monopoly on the web (I'm talking about the web itself, not the browser to view it). But Google is on the way to monopolise certain aspects of it. They may be a new MS in the breeding.
When folks say that Chrome is faster than Firefox, are you referring to the time it takes to launch the program, the time it takes to download from the web, or the time it takes to render a web site after downloading? As a Mac user, I apparently cannot try it. I find that some sites take a while to download, but since FF is always running, it only has to launch once, so that's not an issue for me, and sites render plenty fast. I cannot imagine that one browser would fetch content from the web faster than another. So I am assuming you're talking about the time it takes to render a site, which is not an issue for me. Maybe it would be for someone with a slower computer. My iMac is pretty fast.
The whole rendering speed comparison issue is a bit lame indeed, since in 90% of the cases, the limiting factor by far is the download band width, or the server (Priuschat!). Startup times may differ, but that is of little importance since most people keep their browser open. There is one area that is getting more important: javascript execution speed. More and more fancy web applications rely heavily on javascript, so this becomes more and more important. But, if you have a decent computer, the observed speed differences are of still little relevance right now, because the things that are currently done client-side by javascripts are typically very light.
its faster for me and i have used it enough to say that is without regard to the normal latency issues encountered when using multiple applications to access multiple systems (i.e...browsing the internet) obviously, it is smaller, lighter footprint (memory usage verses FF is less the 33%) has less add ons...etc. right now the question is, can i live without the add ons? so far so good
I would say the more (browsers) the better. If nothing else, they will push each other to improve the experience, either by adding more features or making it faster. You get to choose. I don't want to see any one browser (or operating system) take over. That is when things stagnate.
Not if you develop web sites and web applications. For some reason, no browser seems to be able to comply fully with the standards. Even Firefox doesn't. And it doesn't look like Chrome is the best kid in class right now. At least, they are all better than IE.
Nothing will ever be perfect, but IMO it would be better to have 5 players trying to comply with web standards than have 1 player trying to subvert web standards.
all in all, whether chrome fits your bill or not, its like saying i am happy with the color selections Toyota offers on the Prius because the Prius is great car... now offering additional color options will not dilute the quality of the car (i hope!!)...well, offering another browser, especially one that does not require special coding or any other monopolistic tendencies i one i welcome and will always give a fair shot to.
But the problem is that the world is generally divided into IE and non-IE users. So, it's not the Chrome is going to be taking market share away from IE; it's mostly going to be the geeks that are looking at using it, who are probably already using Firefox anyway.
not true. no matter what you have, someone will not like it for whatever reason. the more options they have to go away from IE the better even if they seem to take from the same market
if anyone is using google chrome, i notice that using the backspace key does not always go back to the previous page. anyone else notice this? i seem to only have this issue when clicking on a PC link in google mail. it opens a new window, i alt-tab back to the link and hit the backspace and its supposed (at least does it in any other browser) to go back to the inbox... but it doesnt.. any thoughts, suggestions?
This was a really interesting read. 8 years later. Where Chrome and Google ended up. 2 day old Pixelbook. Made by Google with Chrome as the OS.
Last Black Friday I bought my very first ever i-thingy last year in a frustrated attempt to get my CFO to use IT instead of her old PC with me as the local tech support. She didn't bite, and so we use the i-pad to FaceTime friends and family who drive apple products, and I'll surf on it occasionally. Since I'm forced to use an iphone at work, the ipadthingy doesn't bother me TOO much.... Last Christmas I got her a Chromebook and she loves it....which means that i love it too! Yes. It interesting to go back 11 years, and see what people wrote back then....but seeing how many of these members are no longer with us is a little depressing.....
Yes, on all your points ETC. Especially your last. Really dumb (of me) thing. Playing with new chromebook, I looked up how to use the tracpad. And found out how much better it is than a mouse. Later with my Surface pro (2017) it works beautifully! I honestly had no clue as to how much easier and more efficient they were. I've had this for a good while too. The Srface Pro. Think I had tried an early tracpad and just assumed they were still subpar. But now, wow. For about the same cost, minus cover & keyboard. Just about as fast and can do all things Windows-y with out sumersaults. But do think Chrome is the future. But for now, loving the surface pro (with chrome browser, snork) Man, if I could only sideload chrome OS on this thing! I tried cloudready and just got frustrated. I should give it another shot. Really am just getting board with climbing under the hood of these things.
LOL. You resurrected 11 years old thread just to tell us you bought a new Chromebook. I got my Pixelbook last year in an attempt to ditch my old windows laptop. I have tried using it exclusively, but in the end, I purchased another windows ultrabook. Chromebook works fine for 90% of things I do, which are web browsing and media consumption. It failed miserably for multitasking with multiple windows. Android apps just did not cut it for my work flow when I needed outlook, excel, word, photoshop, publisher, acrobat and terminal emulator open all at once for my work. Some of Windows apps equivalent is just not available. I still use the pixel book for most of browsing. It is fine for that job. Now AltOS project for Chromebook seems to be dead, I will have to keep both Windows laptop and Chromebook. Oh, I have Linux installed on an old windows lap top as well, but using that less and less nowadays.
LoL, yes. Yes I did Sal K. Why do you ask? (Snork) I know what you mean about needing a windows machine. Love my surface pro. I ended up returning the Pixelbook. Just couldn't justify a grand for chromebook. It is a blazing fast, work of art. But still a $1,000 chromebook at the end of the day. For now using an old nvidia k1 shield tablet/bluetooth keyboard. I was thinking an Acer 15 chromebook for the car but to big. Ha! The Pixelbook would have been perfect. But then a $grand is sitting in the expletive car. Have you tried working with your windows laptop remotely with your chromebook? I just today got all the toys playing nice. Android, Winows and chrome OS. Really kinda cool and a pipe dream 11 years ago.