That's OK. I have the same sentiment about Starbucks as srellim. I brew my own coffee. Heck, I roast my own coffee beans.
One of the engineers where I work roasts his own beans too. He brings them in on occasion and puts them in our espresso machine. Rather strong. I’m more of a Keurig guy and we get the Peet’s coffee Major Dickinson blend. Excellent cup of coffee.
You have Peet's in Bay Area. I use to buy roasted coffee from the Coffee Connection. But, I got into roasting my own coffee when coffee legendary George Howell sold his Coffee Connections to Starbucks. He now has his own roaster Best Artisan Coffee & Espresso | About George Howell Coffee |George Howell Coffee, but I have moved too far now.
We get our coffee as whole beans, from an independent coffee place that does their own roasting. They're about 300~400 yards down a trail that we walk with our dog. Also nearby, there's a drive-thru Starbucks popped up, about a year back, a carbuncle on the landscape, with it's steady stream of idling CUV's. FWIW, that roaster is not the most pleasant of smells, not sure that it's healthy... I keep bringing back the same bag, use it for maybe a year. Their coffee's about the double the price of Costco, buy hey.
We buy beans as well, but my office professional doesn’t seem to monitor how much we have on hand. Then makes us resort to the Keurig. Maybe I didn’t do enough for OP Day awhile back.
Yeah, craft specialty coffee isn't cheap if you buy them roasted. Green coffee beans are anywhere from $5 to $10/lb except some very fancy highly sought after beans like Hawaiian Kona, Jamaican Bluemountain, or Panamian Geisha which could be up to $25-$40/lb. My cup of coffee comes to be about $0.20/cup including the cost of the roaster and all other coffee brewing gadgets.
When I took the IQ test, it came back and said: "You are a stable genius!" (Is it just me, or when someone declares themselves a "stable genius", doesn't that remind you of "Wile E Coyote.... Suuuuuuuper Genius!" -- right before the anvil falls on his head?)
I had an official evaluation done on me like 20 years ago and scored, 131. I felt smart back then, but not so much today...
Coffee? Prefer several flavors made with a Senseo machine. Or a nice big pot of Folgers Black Silk in my Braun drip machine. We will be drowning in disposed K-cups someday. IQ?? About as useful as phrenology was back in the day. In the Wisconsin school system of the early 70's we were all given the Henmon-Nelson test in our junior year. My results are probably still in a file cabinet somewhere, but I seem to recall the number 129. Or maybe that was my weight...