Hi Everyone, I recently purchased a 2006 Prius, the owner said the car shut off while on the highway. He had it towed to the dealer and they ran diagnostics and they stated that the electric motors were bad in the trans-axle and it need to be replaced. It was getting codes P0A2B,P0AA6,P0A78 I bought the vehicle from him and purchased a used trans-axle. I replaced it myself and got it all back together, started it up and was having the same issues. I had the vehicle towed to the dealer where they wanted to just start throwing parts at it. They said they weren't sure if it would fix it but they wanted me to replace all 3 computers for around 4k. They were getting codes P0A08,P3102, P0852 I had the vehicle towed to a different shop for another opinion. They told me that the only code they were getting is P0A2B. Which they said was the temp sensor for the motors in the trans-axle that was not replaceable. I contacted the company i got the trans-axle from to get a replacement. I put that in on Saturday and i am now having the same issue. Same code. I spoke with a Toyota tech who was very helpful. He sent me some wiring diagrams and told me which wires were for that sensor. I cut them at the trans plug and at the computer plug and ran new wires. Still the same issue. My scanner reads the temp for MG1 at 68 degress and MG2 at 401 degrees all the time no matter how long the car runs. Obviously it is putting the car into some type of limp mode. The first time the car went to the dealer they replaced the HV ECU. I am now thinking that the Engine computer where the sensor wiring goes into is bad. Does this sound realistic? I ordered a replacement off of ebay, just waiting for it to come in. I wanted to get some other opinions on what i can do to figure this issue out. Also does anyone know how to replace that ecu? I looked on Identifix and they call for 1.4 hours of labor to R&R but it didn't look like it would be that long. I am very knowledgeable with cars, just not with electrical. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Joe, We had a similar issue several years ago where the MG2 (drive motor "A") windings shorted out in the very spot where the temperature sensor was embedded. It sent high voltage back thru the harness and burned up the Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU. Since you've had two different transaxle units in the car I would say there's zero chance that you have a problem with the sensor. The common trouble item for all 3 of the codes Toyota gave you is the HV ECU. You said Toyota replaced it but was that before or after the transaxle was replaced. If it was before there's a good chance that it was damaged again. The HV ECU is pretty easy to change out. It's to the right of the lower glove box and bolted to the engine ECU. You'll probably have to take the dash off to get it out but that's not hard. You'll also have to pair it to the car once it's installed. I'll find the procedure and put it in another post but it requires jumping two pins of the OBD plug and then leaving the car in ACC mode for 30 minutes. Matt
Thank you very much. I did order a new HV ecu and the main ecu. I will replace and see what we get. I should have them by the end of the week.
It worked. Thanks for confirming what i had narrowed it down too. Replaced the HV ECU and did the relearn and she is ready to roll