Another reason I love the Prime - In S-FLOW mode, priority for the airflow is given to the front seats,reducing the airflow and air conditioning effect on the rear seats. If a passenger is not detected in the front passenger seat, priority for the airflow will be given to the driver’s seat only.
It took me a while to figure out how to activate S-Flow in automatic mode (After two years of owning the Gen 4 then a month after the Prime, I figured it out). The weird thing is that pressing S-Flow on doesn't make it automatic - it just toggles between Driver Priority and Front Seats. It never turned off on its own when I had rear seat passengers. So after re-reading the manual again, and again (because it's not clear) and experimenting, you actually have to turn S-Flow OFF and then press AUTO and only then is S-Flow in automatic mode and will include an "OFF" setting when there are rear passengers. (I actually see the S-Flow icon turn off on my 11.6" screen).
I've had mine with S-Flow ON and Eco Mode from day 1. Never changed those two settings, but I did not know that "If a passenger is not detected in the front passenger seat, priority for the airflow will be given to the driver’s seat only." I don't use rear seats, but I do have a passenger sometimes. Now, if they can do this automatically with HVAC why can't it automatically turn off the passenger seat heater when no one is sitting on it.
Good point on the seat heater. Maybe Toyota feels the passenger seat heater switch wouldn't be turned on if there's no passenger sitting there...
That is true. But, but, but... person who turns on the passenger seat heater usually do not turn it off when he/she gets out of the car. Then next time I am alone in the car, empty passenger seat heater remains ON. AND I CAN'T REACH DAMN SWITCH FROM WHERE I AM SITTING!!! (apparently, they fixed this heater switch position on new PRIUS models)
I just discovered this a couple days ago. Pretty neat. Good question about why they don't use that intelligence for other stuff.
Yes, finally. They were put in a nearly unreachable spot back in 2010. I am truly amazed that it has taken this long to figure out that switches located down beside your shin aren't very useful.
I am having trouble getting the correct incantation. I turn off AUTO (like pressing the OFF button in the climate control screen). I turn off S-FLO. The S-FLO indicator icon goes out. I turn off the car, and turn it back on. It is in AUTO mode, and S-FLO is still off. I open and close a back door. No change. What am i missing? What exactly is "passenger in back". The manual suggests that it uses a back door opening and closing. Could you please give this dummy the full scenario to get automatic S-FLO?
Hmm. Try going fully into manual climate mode. In AUTO, change the fan speed (doesn’t matter in which direction), change the mode (face, foot. Again, just press it once or twice. But not in defrost mode). Press the S Flow button on and off but ensure it ends up in the off position. Then press AUTO. You should be fully in AUTO including S Flow. Because there’s no weight sensor in the backseat, I assume it’s looking for the door opening then closing and also a buckled seatbelt. I put my bag in the back frequently and it stays in Driver Priority S Flow so it doesn’t solely rely on the door opening and closing.