Ive been looking at these FRS wheels that are 18 x 7.5, 5 x 100 with a 54mm center bore. They look sick and my other option is SSR Type 5’s that retail for 510 a piece. Which I’m trying to go with the cheaper option which is the FRS wheels. But I can’t find a weight. I’m looking to reduce weight to improve gas mileage and performance. Does anyone happen to to know the weight for these FRS wheels? Thanks in advance. Here’s a picture!
Old-ish post but didn't see any replies here. For weight, its a cast wheel and I only did a quick search but you can probably guess that its about 20lbs+ per wheel easy.. Note from what I found, a set comes staggard, 7 in the front and 7.5 in the rear, +35 all around. You wont actually save any gas at all with 18's.. You will get 'good' gas with 17's but your best option is 15's in the MPG department..I would shy away from performance gains.. There isn't any gains you will obtain with the Prius. However, If you are looking for better handling but want to still get good MPG's, go with 17's and upgrade your suspension and add chassis braces. A rear sway bar has been my favorite mod by far. In the event you are like the rest of us, and dont care about it because you will still get better MPG's than most other cars.. Go for it. Just get what you want but pay attention to the offset. +35 will poke especially in the front, +38 is the sweet spot.
Awesome. Rear sways are always an argument on which is better but depending in your driving style, the TRD one is pretty solid. The one thing people dont like is that it uses endlinks where as the Custco one mounts directly to the lower spring perch. The Hotchkis one is a real thick setup, some say too thick but still, a great brand. You can actually make the Prius handle really well. It does ok out of the box but after the OEM suspension breaks in, it loses that stiffness. Check out @TheChip - he auto crosses his and beats some real heat on the course as well.
Not only will the wheels be heavier, but the 18" tires that will fit are heavier than 195/65-R15. But if you like them, go for it!
There is a guy somewhere on here that put those on his Prius, they do look pretty sweet and are a good offset too! You'd be pretty close to flush, they are +39.