hey everyone .. so I’ve been reading up on the EGR cleaning to improve gas mileage. I’ve asked 3 Toyota dealers about this and 1 didn’t do any type of service involving that and the other 2 recommended a “fuel induction” service where they inject some type of fluid into engine and let it clean it out. I asked if any parts are removed from engine and they said no.. Is the EGR cleaning and fuel induction service the same? If I can’t find a dealer or independent mechanic that can do this for me , I’m going to attempt it myself.
Not even close. They attempt to clean the fuel system with a chemical additive. Sometimes this is effective, sometimes it is actually beneficial. If you are in the habit of buying fuel from big oil brand gas stations, you probably don't need this- they are already blending enough detergent into your fuel. EGR cleaning is completely different.
I doubt that very much, they're not that ballsy. They'll likely hook up a bottle of something, introduce it into the air flow, get an impressive cloud of junk coming out of the tail pipe. But no, it's definitely not EGR cleaning. I get the sense they're not to keen on that either, just like Toyota corporate.
If their service Bay is out of sight of the customer lounge area, you’d be surprised what they do. Trust them as far as you can heave them.
I recently had this service and my dealership guy said they removed the cylinders and cleaned them up. Though when I asked if they could replace the IM gasket for me the quote was ridiculous, and he said it wasn't removed during the process of fuel induction cleaning and cleaning the fuel injectors. This confused me since I thought the intake openings would be physically cleaned in this process.
His lips were moving, so it’s understandable to be confused . He only knows what the one with the boat payments tells him and can’t go outside the script .
Is the service just a scam then? I read up on it before doing it along with the fuel injector cleaning and it sounded like a good idea. But since I actually saw how dirty the intake openings were when I cleaned my EGR and intake manifold, it really makes me wish I could clean them up.
If he removed you valves, your Intake manifold gasket would have been replaced in the process. This is the problem when people don't understand how an engine works. The "service guy" will tell them whatever he wants to.
There is such a thing, but the price is not worth the “benefit” or service . I know BG Products does a fuel induction service at certain dealers and that is the only one I would consider. But even that is pushing it. If pushed / pressured again for this service, ask them for what documented proof exists that what they are about to do works. I bet they’ll not ask again.
Here's a quote from the Toyota dealership packet I have about the recommended service: "Utilizing specialized tools, one of our skilled technicians will clean fuel injectors, clean the throttle body, clean the plenum and air-intake, clean intake valves and ports, remove combustion chamber deposits, and correct the balance of fuel and air in the system." How are those intake ports cleaned if the intake manifold isn't removed? In one of the NutsAboutBolt videos I recall him showing how to carefully clean the ports and work around the fuel injector tips. I tried it when I had it all open but the sludge was thick and I didn't want to make a mistake. And I'll add that my usual guy at the dealership, who I trust, is currently out on paternity leave. The guy I spoke with recently looked rather young and new.
My car did feel a lot smoother afterwards, though. But honestly I did it b/c I thought they'd clean those ports, and it seemed to make sense if the fuel injectors were cleaned.
Be from Missouri: Show me. What they do is spray chemistry down the throttle body and it travels to the intake ports. But ask them for before and after pics so you can see the benefit and I’m sure they’ll decline. Then say if I can’t see the results, how can I trust it was done. Keep going in circles and the dealer should get the idea to move onto the next mark which is probably pulling up at the bay next.
Defer back to post #7 & #11, I'm glad that you red between the lines in their fine print. Your question above seals it.
They are. I saw fuel induction cleaning on my prius carfax before buying it. I took the vin number and checked up on the actual chuck patterson toyota where it as maintain, had more detailed info on exact product item number & parts were used to maintain. Sure enough the fuel induction was hyphenated toyota fuel cleaner treatment, it was just a bottle of toyota's own line of ginguine fuel treatment.