Hi Yesterday my catalytic convrter was stolen from prius 07...i am quite stressed....i have ordered cat (Klarius brand) awaiting delivery...pls confirm is this brand ok?... my 2nd Question is regarding O2 Sensor/. I have bought original (used) O2 sensor from old prius (being scrapped). Is it better to install original O2 sensor from old prius (being scrapped) or i should buy new aftermarket one? I am hearing different views and confused..pls help Thanks
I don't think anyone here has any experience with aftermarket cats so it's unlikely anyone can answer your cat question. The O2 sensor question can't be answered without evaluating the condition of the scrap one, and even then it's not clear cut - I'd say if you get labor cheap/free it's probably worth a try.
Had my cat stolen recently too, it sucks, especially the noise the car makes, sounds like motorcycle or something. I couldn’t afford an oem replacement
Had mine stolen recently and fitted an aftermarket cat with an aftermarket sensor. It works just fine as long as you get the coloured wiring right. You will find an illustration chart on Google for the correct colours.
Is your CAT still ok? I had a Klarius React fitted but the engine management light keeps coming on. However I never changed my O2 sensor