Some poor bastard ran into the back my Prius on a bicycle. He went right through the rear glass. I discovered that it's about a $500 replacement. I already have to get the brake actuator replaced which is about $700. So I'm at $1200 in repairs. The car has 170k miles on it, so I don't know realistically how much longer it can go. It's had all routine maintenance done throughout its life. I had to replace the hybrid battery. My logic is that if the brake actuator went out, the other electrical components might start going out as well. Fix it or junk it? P.s. I don't know how the guy who hit my car is doing because he fled the scene. There was blood everywhere so I checked the hospitals but no one went in for a bicycle related incident. Oh well.
I'd fix it too, but I liked the Gen 1. Mine was a really nice car right up to 238,000 when it had an awkward interaction with a Dodge Dakota.
How could one ever live down having a Prius 'totaled' by a bicycle? But the cyclist fleeing the scene does suggest that he didn't want to become known to police. But if you didn't file a police report yet, consider doing so for your own protection.
So you guys don't think that the brake actuator going out is a sign that the other electronic components may go out soon as well?
no, the actuator is an entity unto itself, and a known issue. but it is a 16 year old car. if your tired of repairs, get a new one and find it a loving home. i wish i were in your area.
Jesse, as I remember, you can work on the car yourself. If there's a Pic n pull, see if they have a brake booster pump assembly. I got mine at a local wrecking yard for $25, installed it and drove it to Oregon and back. There are two gen 1's in the Pick a part here in Tucson. They probably have your rear window, too. Did you get the battery business resolved? The booster pump isn't an indication that the rest of the car is worn out. Parts wear out, you replace them. It's the cowboy way. Probably you'll need an inverter pump soon too.
My mechanical skills are limited. I changed out the Hybrid Battery with a regenerated battery from greentec. No problems with it thus far. I changed out the inverter pump already. Bleeding the air out was quite difficult. As far as the actuator (which I assume that's what you mean by booster pump), I don't know what's entailed in making that repair but I found a guy that will put a used one in for $600. If I get lucky I may find one at a junk yard here, but things get scrapped really quick around here. Was doing it yourself difficult at all?
I would say that it's medium difficult. Not exactly as easy as changing oil. But certainly not tougher than the inverter coolant pump. You could find something like this: TOYOTA Prius ABS Pump Brake Actuator Accumulator OEM 01 02 03 *a for sale online | eBay AND do it yourself. Even if you pay the guy $600 to take care of it, that's not a terrible deal these days. When I did mine, I did evacuate the A/C, I have a pump and filling manifold and haven't had any trouble with it since. Also, I used a Harbor freight bleeder that uses compressor air and provides vacuum bleeding. Not real expensive, and it did the job. I had never done one before (tho I have confidence in my mechanical abilities.) The results on my $400 Prius gave it another life.
FWIW: my 2003 Prius just crossed 306k miles; they have plenty of life if you are somewhat mechanically inclined. A 2002-ish Prius with 170k is still in early middle age.