hello, i just picked up a 2019 prius prime plus. when charging at home, it works fine and the traction lights blink; however, when I connect to a free clippercreek station at work, the light indicator in the inlet blinks a few times and then turns off, and the clippercreek terminal continues to blink green but the traction lights (blue lights) do not turn blink at all. I noticed that a parked honda ev had solid green inlet and solid green clippercreek terminal. Does blinking on the terminal indicate charging? Is the traction light supposed to blink? Thanks
What message displays on the screen before you walk away? Do you have a charge schedule program? Or do you always charge now?
These are the blue traction battery status indicator on the passenger side of the dash below the windshield . The LED that blinks is indicative of the state of charge, starting from left to right when facing the front of the vehicle. The charging indicator on the Prius at the plug location should also be on steady during charge.
When you plug it in, the green light at the port will blink while the charger in the car communicates with the EVSE. If you have not pressed the "charge now" button, it will then go out while it waits for the next scheduled charge. If you did hit "charge now" the green light will stay on and it will charge. I suspect, the car has a charging event scheduled, and you didn't tell it to charge now, so it's waiting for the next charge event. From page 148 of my manual:
If even one charge schedule is registered, charging does not start until the set time, even if the charging cable is connected to the vehicle. I found that to be a problem as well, so I disabled all scheduled events. Since I don't have time of day pricing and don't have a fixed drive schedule, I want the car to charge immediately when plugged in. The only way I could find to do that without an over-ride each time was to clear all the scheduled events.
If I want it to charge immediately, I just hit the "charge now" button that pops up on the 11" screen when I shut off the car. In fact, I'll be doing that in a couple hours.
Another way I've heard to get it to 'charge now' (I've not tried it myself) is to plug it in, wait a bit, unplug it, and repeat this two more times.
I used to do this when I had scheduled charge times. You just plug in, wait for the light to blink once, unplug it and plug it right back in. No need to do multiple plugins.
with the oem toyota evse, but might be teh same with yours... i have found that occasionally after plugged in the blue lights wont illuminate immediately, and it wont tell me "hours to full charge" (i have no scheduled charges). if you wait ten minutes or so, it will eventually start to charge. its just getting ready i guess. or if i hit the lock button on the key fob, the blue lights pop on immediately and it starts to charge. this always seems to happen when i move my car 100 yards in reverse from a non charging parking space to the charging spaces at work. all reverse, all electric, maybe 1 min total of car "on" to reverse into the spot. then shut it down again. when i do this it wont start charging unless i use the fob to lock the car, or wait ten+ minutes.