I'm surprised the Prius doesn't feature more in post apocalyptic fiction like Mad Max or The Walking Dead. I mean fuel is scarce, and the electricity grid dead (so no charging EVs). Fuel efficient hybrids should be top of the list. The silent EV mode would allow you to bypass zombie hordes without attracting their attention. Also the difficulty getting it into EV Mode would make for great tension in the script. Not that I've thought about this or anything...
Yesterday, I had one eye on the Garmin, one eye on the speedo. When the speedo said 50 (kmh), the Garmin was saying anywhere between 48 and 50, most typically 49. This is third gen, with near-new 215/45R17, which I believe are slightly smaller OD's than the 15's. Really can't get steamed about this. If anything bugs me, it's absurdly over-rosy mpg display.
That is a typically Euro market value. The speedometer offsets built into North American market units are smaller.
Ha - yes, that was decades ago. Here, particularly in Victoria, the Police are so savage with minor speed infringements you'd be mad to try it (no I don't live in Victoria).