Hi all, I started my 2005 Gen 2 today, and when the ICE kicked in, out of the blue there was a horrible sound - like a car without a muffler, or a car modded to sound extremely loud. Actually some would probably say this is a wonderful sound - like a muscle car on steroids. But I digress. The sound originates from under the hood, driver's side near the ICE, not from the muffler in the rear. My OBDII + Torque showed no error codes. There is no Main't Required light. Yesterday the car was driving perfectly, and there was no pothole or anything which would have obviously jarred something loose. My layman's guess is a hose or something popped off, and now we are hearing the raw sound of the ICE? Thoughts? Obviously I have to take this in to be repaired, but first and foremost, is the car DANGEROUS to drive even a few miles to the mechanic?
someone cut out your catalytic converter? Take a look under the car and see if the exhaust pipe is missing between the engine and muffler. Seems to be happening a lot. Or donut gasket blew out between exhaust manifold and pipe
The car has been parked on the street in LA; I imagine cutting out the cat converter would make a bunch of noise and/or take some time, and require getting underneath the car. Interesting theory, but seems unlikely? If it's the donut gasket, is that dangerous to drive, or just super loud?
Really....you should read some of the recent posts here about this exact scenario...come and gone in just 2 minutes.....manymany posts about it As for the donut gasket, no danger, just loud and a bit of carbon monoxide. Assuming it's the exhaust and not something else. Maybe the O2 sensor or AF ratio sensor fell off the exhaust?
a big empty space between the exhaust pipe and the muffler. LA and london are hotspots. they steal them for the precious metals.
no, just the gap in the exhaust. they use a cutter wheel, make two cuts in the 2" pipe and walk away with it. jforpics, see the 'stolen catalytic converter' threads here. if you can't see under there, drive it to a local mech or muffler shop
In this youtube video, a news report from yesterday, at 45 seconds they show the undercarriage of a Gen2. You can see the wires to the right. Is the car in this video missing its cat converter? Is the space where the cat converter should be the shiny corrugated metal section at 45 secs? I'm not sure what the undercarraige would look like with/without the converter. Thx.
(Actually you don't even need to watch the video - the YouTube still image shows exactly what I describe at the 45 second mark.)
Depending on where the cuts are made they will also be taking one of your oxygen sensors. Doing so would necessitate cutting the wires connecting the sensor to the engine ECU. This is common and likely in Prius converter thefts.
You’ve just had your catalytic converter stolen. The Prius 2 is such an over engineered vehicle, no other mechanical failure fits this profile. You’ll need a new cat installed, and will need to see about getting protection installed on it too.....or they’ll be back for it. Happened to me in London November 2018. Over 1,000 Prii have been attacked in London alone. The local law enforcement consider the matter a victimless crime, so have allowed the thieves to run riot in London over the last 10 months, much to the dismay of us Prius owners there. Hope you can get your Prius fixed. iPhone 6s +
Really bad news is its a carb state so they will not accept an aftermarket cheapo cat. Must be the factory cat. $$$$$$$. Which is why they steal it.
Just about every muffler repair shop offers free inspection. Drive it there they will tell you what's wrong in 15 minutes
So, I got in my car and it sounds like I'm surrounded by motorcycles. I'm assuming I'm in the same boat and the OP: either stolen catalytic converter or a blown donut gasket?
stolen cat. sucks. cant let the car out of your sight. Just look under the car if you see dangling wires..... Go on youtube and search Prius Stolen Lots of info about it.