Im wanna do the cleaning on the IM , I took out the air box and the hose for throttle body and unplugged some sensors , but when I got to the manifold itself , there is a wire harness that is clipped to the manifold , I saw "Nuts about Bolts" video and says ya "just squeeze the clips from the backside". I tried getting them out for over a hour with no luck . am I missing something or is there a trick to get the clip off the wiring harness that is clipped to the manifold?
Try to determine the orientation of the jaws, with a mirror or your phone or whatever. Try also pushing just one side of the jaws: if you can at least get one side to pop out, maybe the other side will be easier. Pry on the front as you're pinching round back too. @NutzAboutBolts does things in a few seconds that take me 10 minutes. I suspect some cases they kinda force those clips, and maybe that's not the end of the world; they're not going anywhere.
ty for the tip , btw I was able to clean the MAF sensor so I did get something done !! Will try again tomorrow thanks
I believe the wire harness on the center of the intake manifold has a side clipped setup. I have a set of dental picks that help with the job. But the videos are helpful.
I have a good supply of those as well. But we now have a sonic care and the heads are short. So the free ones from the dentist matriculate out in their absence.
Just got the clips off thanks for the help , without you guys I doubt Id try to tackle this , its suppose to rain the next few days so when the weather looks good and Im off from work Ill do the manifold cleaning , just cleaned the MAF and MAP sensors , again I thank you guys, Gregg
Needle-nosed pliers or picks will help. It took me a while to get mine out as well, and I ended up breaking one or two of them by squeezing hard with pliers. I don't worry about it, its not like those parts move around much.
For another example: when you remove the air intake snorkel and air filter box, there's one cable that clips on to the snorkel, around the left side (as you face the engine bay). After taking that stuff off and putting it back on maybe 10 times, that clip pops in and out so easy. The clip jaws are a bit rounded and compressed I guess. And it all still holds together fine.