Friend of mine told me his HV battery was bad and that he had a P0A80 code. He had a bad 12v and didn’t have jumper cables when I went to get the battery from him so I didn’t get to read the codes with techstream until today. Took the battery apart, had tons of dog hair all over the place so I shop vac’d everything. The fan was also the worst I’ve ever seen. I cleaned it out well. Did a full rebuild on the battery. Replaced the 2 bad cells, got the rest to show over 5000mah each on the discharge, threw it all back together. Put it in the car to test and it wouldn’t start. These are the codes it gave me. P0A0D-350 High Voltage System Inter-Lock Circuit High P3000-123 Battery Control System P3030 Disconnection between battery and ECU C1259 C1310 HV system malfunction I have 2 spare parts batteries at the house, I just need to know what I need to replace to get this thing working right. Any assistance is appreciated. Trying to get my buddy back on the road.
Was the HV battery fully charged and balanced before reassembly? Was the HV battery case properly bolted/grounded ? P0A0D-350 points to the orange colored HV battery service plug, if properly installed then check the small wires/connections to such. Be sure to check all plugs and connectors for corrosion. Here is the workup for P3000 with an INF 123 : Here is the workup for P3030 : You may need to dig into the pack and check the harness for breaks and corrosion. Be sure the module nuts were also properly torqued.
A common issue is the HV interlock not being installed using all three steps. Another problem is the interlock circuit plug was missed during reassembly. When you install the HV battery, there are 3 wire harness plugs that connect to it from the car. The smallest one is the HV interlock. It plugs into a receptacle directly above the orange plug. The receptacle has about 6 inches of wire and then it's own plug that connects at the bottom of the interlock plug receptacle. Sometimes this plug is forgotten about when a battery is put together. If not installed, the car thinks the safety disconnect is not installed.
It was properly balanced and bolted right into the car. I’m gonna disassemble it and look into it in the morning
So if I just swapped a new ECU and wiring harness in that would probably take care of the problem, right? Lol
I think you either didn't connect all the connectors back in place properly and well yeah what eric said you did not slide the service plug back down into locking position. i.e. put in pull orange lever up 90 degrees then push down on it. I have forgotten that once before as well got a whole bunch of codes for just not doing that. terramir
P3030 photos: Replace the voltage harness and the black cable below it with new ones. Part Numbers: Voltage Sensor Wire Harness: 82165-47040 Main Battery Cable (black cable): G9242-47090 Get a secondhand ECU from somewhere.