I'd love to know what his MPG e got dragged down to ..... maybe somewhere around 50? Porsche has made some horrible junk over the years, as well as stuff that's off the chart great. Their 918 hybrid spider is virtually the same speed/time as the McLaren running a lap at Laguna. .
I think I posted some of myPorsche pictures over the last 1½ decades on PC. Once you own a nice one, you know which ones were horrible, & you quickly enter the world of Porsche snobbery, either being envious of those who have - or prideful against those who don't. True, the 914 was generally horrible, but they did make one small offshoot of the 914 that was quite powerful. Conversely there was what looked like a 911, in the mid 1970's called a 912 - that was even worse. Horsepower of the 912? Mid 80s!! The 914 at least had 100hp. JEEZ! My Ford 65 Econoline/Falcon van had more than that! 912 owners usually removed the badge so they wouldn't face shame. LOL !! .
my brothers 914 spent more time with the mechanic than with him. he was a porch wannabe guy conversely, he is still driving my 1985 chevy van, it's a beast!
Depends, my 914 ('70) had 85 HP and I wouldn't consider the 914-6 a high HP car even for its era. Still they were fun and got me in enough trouble that I was always one ticket away from loosing my license. Funny how when I got a '70 BMW 2002 my tickets stopped. But they developed into rust buckets rather quickly just as the 9xx versions of the '60s and '70s did. I sold my 914 the week before the 2 year warranty ran out. Bought as the dealerships used to selling a few 9xx cars a month suddenly had Audi sedans and the 914 at a lower price point and the service and parts departments were overwhelmed.
All the "competing" gas stations brands are overbuilt, many times on valuable real-estate. So they have to "overcharge" for their product. Which is a separate issue from where the oil comes from in the first place. I can't wait for the day when gas stations in the city start to close down because people are refueling their EVs at home and/or work. Mike
Our Standard Range Plus Model 3: $35k list, ordered Standard Range Model 3, planned $22,800 financing. $18.3k, trade-in, 2017 Prius Prime Plus with 16,111 miles. $38k list, replaced with demo Standard Range Plus Model 3, $21,905 financing. Metallic blue Basic Autopilot Bob Wilson