Vaccines have unintended effects: Vaccines Against Measles And Other Diseases Confer Added Protections : Goats and Soda : NPR Some folks expect this. When human immune system is engaged in a very specific 'conversation', complicated things happen.
A 2010 publication describes work towards aerosol measles vaccine. Search terms Measles Aerosol Vaccine Project Somehow, measles infects with very few virus particles, which is how such a vaccine could be effective. One can surely imagine opposition to this as a public health measure. OTOH, just pop into a school (etc.) with children of vaccination-shy parents and psssst... herd immunity. Web searching also reveals what has happened with this project since.
whence did the anti vaxer movement begin? in the 60's, they marched us through with no opposition that i recall. now i'm seeing you mothers on severely restricted diets, and children with severe food allergies
There was opposition to Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine ca. 1796. Modern opposition largely followed Andrew Wakefield's 1998 article in The Lancet. Ten of Wakefield's co authors 'stepped away' from that in 2004 and Lancet withdrew the publication in 2010. Anti-vexer is susceptible to pun making, so unless that is your goal, write "vax" Peanut seems to be the most severe allergy. US incidence 0.6% of population. I'm not aware of research into a causal linkage with vaccination. There certainly are many ways to expose oneself to 11(?) known allergens in peanuts. Contrary views have been posted in this thread already; perhaps there will be more.
Realistic overviews of vaccinations vs. public health are non-trivially favorable. Appealing to one tail of 'the distribution' drives book (and 'supplement') sales for those lacking other access to the financial marketplace. Am I too grumpy about this?
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin will face re-election in 2019 November. How much he has accomplished in current term, others may describe, but for now he seems to be working an 'anti-vaccination' angle: Setting a dangerous precedent, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin says vaccines should not be mandated | (As always, if linked media seems too far off center to readers, help us by presenting a different one) == Before there was a chickenpox vaccine, it was arguably best to infect kids 'in person'. This even though a few would get very sick and a very very few would die. This because any adult escaping chickenpox in youth and getting tagged later would suffer much more. As I did, but that's not important here. 'Chickenpox parties' for children were best-available mitigations, and herd-immunity-makers until 1995 vaccine. Improvements followed, in terms of hospitalizations, deaths, and herd immunity. It seems that Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin may have slept through 2.5 decades of medical-better-thing-doing. It is only for Kentucky voters, 2019 Nov, to tell everyone else what they know and hold dear.
again, unfortunately, we will need to reach crisis levels to reverse this trend. what were you saying about the stars?
NY state considers legislation to remove religious anti-vax: NY State Assembly Bill A2371 Very few states now allow science to trump religion in this particular way. If more do in future it will be because of large medical-treatment costs. == Editorially speaking, 'Christian Scientists' run an admirable news service. But in terms of medicine they are OMFG.
i think as the diseases spread into the vaxing community, something will have to be done. like smoking or anything else, you can't let peoples self destructive behavior adversely affect the general population
Despite my libertarian leanings, I'm all-in for vaccinations, but I'm thinking that New York's efforts are more show than go. Data suggests that more religiony states (i.e. SC, VW, MS) get more participation trophies than places with more progressive populations. Ironically, eschewing needles tends to be more of a hipster thing egged on by, of all things, a ridiculously flawed scientific study gone horribly wrong. When I lived in SC, they had nearly universal participation in vac programmes. This is (still) the land of the free and the home of the brave, and anti-vac people are still allowed to be morons. ....they're just not allowed to enroll their crotch-fruit into head-start, kindergarten, licensed day-care, etc. Herd immunity doesn't seem to be failing in these states. Data suggests that herd immunity IS failing where people are freer to 'doctor-shop' for medical opt-outs, or just say "I dowanna." Nothing wrong with the NY law. ---but I think it's more of a hometown crowd-pleaser thing than a serious scientific attempt to give immunization rates a booster shot.
In my state, the greatest outbreak was within a particular religiony immigrant community rooted in Eastern Europe from parents (or grandparents) who began their lives under Soviet boots. The actual source vector was a young visitor from the old country, spreading it mostly at the local church building, infecting mostly the children of actual immigrants from that area. I.e. people over here with native born U.S. parents, of whatever persuasion, were mostly immune. As were the Soviet-born parents themselves, having received mandatory vaccinations. But these immigrants were flexing the bounds of their new-found freedoms of choice, and their children are paying the price.
the ny thing is probably necessary to start the legislators and courts thinking about whether mandatory immunization can be ordered to protect the general population prior to the possible event of a future crisis. currently, the aclu will sue, claiming quarantine is about as far as the law allows.
Recent measles outbreaks have occurred in multi-user facilities like hospitals and Disneyland (TM). Keeping vaccination freedom-fighters out of schools won't solve this. This being US tax season, one could consider deductions for dependents being recast as deductions for vaccinated dependents. Too political?
Quarantining them to their own property will. If they want to skip vaccinations for their kids, let them skip Tetanus, then only their own children are at risk. Tetanus - Wikipedia
Not even gonna click the Tetanus link. Not in the mood to see a twisted-up person. Even so, this remains an incomplete solution. Every preventably ill person (who goes to hospital) distorts medical-care-providing system. Those with preventable transmissible illnesses do so more efficiently.
They do that, and one kid already suffered. And we are better than punishing their children for their decisions.