Came across these in a recent flyer and hit the local NAPA while running around today. Prices good for the entire month of April. I was looking for a 10mm ratcheting wrench to replace one I lost. These don't have the lever for reversing and are a straight design, but they're on sale for $17 when they're normally $45. I bought both the SAE and Metric, because I can never have enough tools.... I'll still have to find that 10mm replacement since I really like having the reversing lever and off-set angle. Also bought (4) 5 qt jugs of 5w-30 and 4 platinum filters. Not 100% the same as M1, but close enough for me.
Not a good deal on the oil. Toyota filter is like $5 and you can get a 5qt Mobil 1 jug from walmart for 26 with a $12 rebate. $5 + $14 = $19 oil change
I'm not sure where you're going to find a Mobil 1 filter for 5 bucks straight up, but....this will get you close...let me help you out by posting a useful link: Mobil 1 Rebates at Participating Retailers | Mobilâ„¢ This is practically identical to a promotion many of us took advantage of last year., and it's actually a bit better than you think. You can order online from Walmart for ~$23 (currently on sale) and filter for ~$10. Pick it up in person at local store and then file for $17 rebate. $33 + tax so that puts it ~35.30 just over $18 if you buy the oil and a filter. I didn't realize that deal was on the table again, looks like it came out a few days before I posted. It has to be done by mailing in a receipt from a participating store or submitting online.. Walmart is in that list. How many people go and buy it, but never get around to mailing in the paperwork or doing the online submission? Probably quite a few.... Feel free to post additional good deals.
That's literally what I meant by $12 rebate. I wrote "Toyota filter" as in the whatever-YZZF2 filter I bought 3 days ago with the drain plug washer for $5 at the dealer parts desk. I actually prefer Toyota OEM oil filters because the rubber gasket comes prelubricated (may help the seal) and is plastic covered (so I'm sure no foreign media fell in). You do you though: Mobil 1 filters are pretty good. The Mobil 1 rebate promotion is something that has been going on every spring and fall since like 2014 (I just did an oil change on a different car today and noticed how old some of my rebate receipts are). It used to be only two per household, this time around it's 4. I bought oil 5 days ago and those are my numbers: If I hadn't already submitted my rebate, I would return my oil and rebuy it for another couple bucks off.