I expect this will be on national news tonight - NOT ! Nissan Sentra collides with Tesla model 3. Which car catches on fire? If it were the other way around, it would have been on national news. Nissan Sentra Slams Into Tesla Model 3 & Then Catches Fire
Must have been the Sentra's 12volt battery that caused the fire. From one of the first(4hrs old at this time) comments to the article, "I wonder if some of the lunatic serial anti-Tesla forces and concern trolls will try and paint this as a Tesla are dangerous to other cars."
I'm the only one who doesn't have you on "ignore" because you are my friend and I like you, warts and all.
You have the ability to change the thread title - I think even hours after they stop letting you edit posts within a thread.....otherwhise one of the friendly mods can assist you in changing cais to cars. Humans are change averse, but we DO evolve over time and someday soon the last firefighter will die from Darwinism after neglecting to wonder why that cable was orange instead of black. Lithium-ion batteries do not burn more readily than gas, but once you get them started they CAN be a lot trickier to put out. Also....Li-ion are much NOISIER than those that originate from gas tanks - because such fires as are reported in the news are unusual - and thus over-reported, causing much screaming from aggrieved EVangelists who think that they're being picked on. Man bites dog. I suspect that there were also 'growing pains' during the decades that it took for gasoline to gain preeminence over electric, steam, coal, wood, and kerosene in powering those new horseless cartridges. Remember....according to the DOE 'lectric cars have been around since before the Civil War, but did not become "practical" until the 70's.....by which I mean the 1870's.
Thanks, yeah I tried to change it but wouldn't let me. Rather than "cais" it was supposed to be "car is." I have arthritis in my fingers and half blind to boat........boot I mean.