Very Quick Backstory- Bought a used high mileage Gen2 Base 05 I have no radio or dome lamp or smart key functionality. No audio displays when trying to use radio- and have zero back lighting on radio or the key fob green lamps/clock display No blown fuses. I pulled the MFD to do a quick visual inspection and wiggle the boards/ribbon connections. Nothing that a naked eye can see- I am replacing the radio to see if this allows for audio - as I think the MFD is waiting for a confirmation from that source to allow further info to be sent - I have seen Hobbit's posts and am wondering is it just in fact a bum MFD - I have AC functionality and all the screen functions work except for Audio- Someone surely has ran into this. Would I need to SEED the key and car w Tech stream? It sat w dead batteries for 8 months. I rebuilt the HV Pack and have a new 12v battery as well. Does everything well except radio/dome/smart key. Thank you all for the help
When the MFD (4 button model) in my 2007 died, it took the audio/radio with it. As soon as I replaced the MFD, the audio/radio came back to life just fine. It was easier for me to see because my MFD became very intermittent at first, and the radio followed the MFD. If the MFD blinked back on for a few seconds, the radio would also work. I would be hesitant to mess around with the radio before the MFD. you may never get anything working again....
I am suspect as the car did sit for some time - but in a busy city area- not near many rural fields - doesn't rule out squirrel's though- I am guessing I will need to roll through the wiring as no blown fuses- but I do not have 12v at any red/blk yellow/blk in acc or drive mode- Though I do have the basic MFD functions- I was pulling the underhood fuse blocks out one by one to inspect for any chewed wiring/glue insulation
Update - Replacing the head unit changed nothing - The 68 ohm resister works and keeps the hvac and trip info screen happy- but no dash functions Or audio dome lamp or smart key So- I’m guesssing the mfd is my next step - I’ve saved the oe radio to see if it will also function.