With my scangauge (x) what parameter would be best to monitor my Hybrid batery? hv bat volts or hv bat amps.
Here's what I use. I bought my first SG-II, was mightily impressed with it and so got another on eBay. The ROM was an old version, so I contacted Linear-Logic, who sent me the upgrade (NO CHARGE! ) and even told me not to bother to return the old one. The brain-transplant wasn't too difficult for this ex-Electronics-Tech. I Have 8 items displayed, 4 (on the upper SG-II) for the ICE and AuxBattery, and the 4 on the lower for the TractionBattery & MPG - hope this helps: Version 4.13 (ROM version) Upper: ICE(RPM) ICE(degF) AuxBat(V) ICE(HP) Lower: TracBat(Soc)/(csd)/(bTV) TracBat(+/-btA) Inst(MPG) JAvg(MPG)
I only have one unit to use,,,If you picked one paramater for the Hybrid what one would you choose ? I need to call Linear-Logic to program for the hybrid,,,I got lost in the directions LOL. I appreciate your posting back,,,Thanks
For the cost of a $6 Android app and a $20 adaptor, you could use your Androd phone/tablet to see lots of hybrid battery and car data all on one screen.
Only one? Mmmm, that's difficult; perhaps StateofCharge (SoC) although that is also shown on the MFD; perhaps current in/out (Bta), or ICE(HP) since that shows what the ICE is doing (i.e. it is providing power or acting as a sink for any excess energy). I think I like @ericbecky 's suggestion, which allows you to see everything (although take care not to get too distracted! )
I will probably jump to a android type of monitoring but for now as a starter I need to get some time in with just one SG. Right now I have the SOC set up but I don't know what numbers are normal,,,,what do your SOC read outs show? I'm suffering for something to compare to. Hey Thanks
It is all there in previous posts (of which there are many), but from memory, I bought my 2009 Gen II with 83k miles on odometer back in Jan 2014, and (from memory) the SoC used to spend most of its time in the higher green (~5>6 bars?) occasionally going to the max (8 bars?). When I started using the Prolong Grid System, I noticed that the SoC would spend most of its time in the upper green, and after the last "Full Monty" (see threads passim) back at YuleTide, I have seen it get up to 81%, but it spends most of its time from 65->75% - hope this helps - Wil
Yes that helps and gives me some idea what % is normal or expected. So far I have not driven too much but I observe the reading to be in the 60's and highest was 70. When the MFD showed green the % was around 65%. I did run the Bat down in the purple and the lowest reading was 43 and after I drove about 8 miles it was back up in the 60s. Tomorrow I will run in to town to see my GF and I will get some extended driving and see how it reads. Thanks