I bought a 2010 IV with 300k miles that was sirtsit for 5 months for $500, and got a new engine in it for $1500, anything else I should do before I drive it cross country? I've checked tires, brakes, oil change. Thanks!
Well, sitting for 5 months may not be good for the hybrid battery either, although mine sat for over 9 months while it was being rebuilt and after 18 months it's performing normally...but it's 5 years newer than yours. I'd give it a chance to work first before spending money on it...it might be just fine.
test/charge/replace the 12v battery, add fresh gas to whatever is in the tank, check your other safety items (wiper blades, lights etc) Maybe run the air conditioner just to make sure, since it's going to get warm soon at least somewhere on a crosscountry route.
How much have you driven it since the engine replacement? A good shake down would boost you confidence, for sure. Check it over like you would do before an extended trip. Also, if you are competent with your mechanical skill set, just go for it. Good luck on you adventure.
What is the mileage on the replacement engine? Was the EGR System ever cleaned? The EGR System tends to clogged up as the miles pile up. If not serviced, could lead to head gasket failure.
YOLO. Go for it, but buy AAA coverage first. Just kidding. Get a couple hundred miles on it at least first. Change the oil again and get it done.