Hello all! New here and to Prius. did a little digging cant seem to find my same problem. Background purchased a 2006 with 178K miles with bad hybrid battery. had a green bean battery installed new optima yellow top. car drove fine for a few weeks. went to drive it after sitting for two days started and drove, turned it off and tried to restart no go, red triangle and vsc lights on no codes wont start. can disconect battery for 30 sec to get it to start again for one drive with red triangle and vsc light on then same thing once i turn it off again. checked fuses checked orange plug replaced the optima battery under warranty. current when car running voltage shows low 13.8v no climate or lights on. hybrid pack charging fine. what else do i need to check? any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.
Thank you! Checked it’s moving. Very slowly though. The car will run when battery reset for roughly 5 min before the lights come back on. Just those 3 lights no check engine.
Welcome. Not all code readers are created equal. If you have the red triangle, you absolutely have codes. You need a reader that reads the proprietary codes that the Prius generates. Otherwise, it's like guessing how many grains of sand are on a beach. The most likely cause is that greenbean refurbished battery. Refurbs rarely last very long, but they usually last a little longer than a few weeks. Usually several months.
Have an appt for Toyota tomorrow should have a confirmed answer. Will let you know what comes of it. Thanks again.
Your Big battery is most likely the problem. Like Jerry says your reader most likely cannot read the codes as generic readers can only read emissions related codes for the most part. A better reader would be cheaper than a trip to Toyota and you will have it for the future.
the battery was replaced 6 weeks ago. code P0AA6-526 high voltage leak. said three possible location 1 most likely the hybrid battery 2 ac 3 inverter i just put in a claim to green bean lets hope its a simple replacement.
Will do! green bean is replacing the battery today in 4-5 hours. I’ll let you know. Never liked seeing unfinished threads.
ok got the car back today! all fixed turned out to be the hybrid battery pack. thank you to all for the help!
By the way you will never see 13.8 volts on that 12 volt battery. With a new healthy battery and the car off it lives around 12.6 volts give or take a few volts. With the car on the inverter provides anywhere between 13.7 to 14 volts charging voltage. Want to test the battery use the front jump point, test there and jump the car there and charge the car there. Do not do anything to that battery in the trunk. Also Green Bean like every other battery “rebuilder” uses the same old aged battery’s that are already in your old battery. The ones they use for there “new” battery’s are not new there same vintage they just happen to not have failed yet. But they will. Only way to get brand new battery’s is to buy the expensive brand new battery from toyota. So it makes perfect sense that battery throws a high volt leak. That means either the battery they Sold u was a mess with rotten buss bars and rotten wiring or another battery module cracked and was leaking electrolyte.
Sounds like they missed a leaky module. With all the modules getting older this is going to happen more and more. There are only so many wrecks to scavenge newer batteries from.
Used batteries are a crapshoot. Green Bean has some pretty expensive testing equipment and they still have failures. $15,000-$30,000 The big boys like Dorman and CarDone have even more expensive rooms full of testing equipment and they also have failures. So if you can buy a pack made up of New cells you will always be on better footing.
Did they replace it with just that much? I am in the same situation but the car died *immediately* after the greenbean battery install (literally first time I tried to go anywhere, P0AA6 -- never saw this code before this), but they will not come out until I get additional subcodes (in the 611-614 range) which means getting it to and from a Toyota dealer somehow. How much did the dealer charge for the code read? Did they get you any more than the 526 (P0AA6 always comes with a 526...)?