I sold my 2014 Camry (100% gas car) to my sister. Bought the Prius Prime base in N.C. where she lives. On the way home 1200 mile trip . Part of the trip Part of it a 420 mile stretch. down to slightly less than 1/8 of tank. 8 gals and only$16.56 gas. made it back home. filled it up and drove mostly local but one small trip 125 miles one way. Now, without buying gas drove 457 miles using gas and EV battery and only using 1/2 a tank of gas ( in one month). I'm still driving mostly local and still adding miles without buying any gas. Bought this car with 9 miles on odometer. new. Only bought gas like 6 times with 2302 miles (minus the original 9 miles) when i got the car. The rest if it has been mostly EV battery mode.I do love B mode driving on hills and mountains It will charge your Ev battery. I have been thinking about getting a 25v solar panel and use driving down the road ( know it won't fully charge the EV battery But, it might slow the battery drain. and it you pack in the sun while you are at the store 30-40 mins. ( oh ya). Also last thing thinking of buying a very small 5 hour gas Generator one ling trips .
Glad you're loving the new buggy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's no way to connect that solar panel to the car's battery. The car needs at least 8 amps at 120 volts to charge. You'd need a bunch of panels and an inverter to convert the DC power to 120V AC power. Also, Toyota says to not use portable generators for charging. I suspect it has to do with the variations in voltage and frequency that these generators have.
... . How about 25 Watts solar panel directly to the EV Battery?? I am thinking it might be slow charge but yet still charge the car on Long drives (500 or more) miles in the sun.
25watt solar to 12v battery to 150watt inverter to EV battery. Will that work ??? My logic is Solar powers or recharges Car battery ( on Gas mode) 150 invert powers to charges EV battery. so in a sense solar/gas charges the EV battery.
I am sorry volts , watts, Ohms , amps i have not clue about this but, there is a way to do what i am thinking .. it is logical to think this way. Solar to Car engine battery to 150w inverter to EV battery. 4 step idea ..
This much is obvious. I hate to come on so strongly, but you're messing with a lot of power and I'm afraid for you. The charger on the car pulls a minimum of a little over a thousand watts and can go as high as 3,600 watts. Plug it into that 150 watt inverter and you'll blow the fuse instantly. It would be like trying to lift a pickup truck with sewing thread. Absolutely physically impossible. Please don't try something like that. You could get seriously hurt or hurt your car, house, etc. I'm not clueless. I'm an industrial electrician with a degree in electronics engineering. At best, your idea is unworkable. At worst, it could be deadly.
Thank you, i think Toyota needs to do this Idea. Ok , a 120v house electricity 150 watt inverter.. i get it now. maybe Toyota Prius Prime with a solar panel on the whole roof of the car.. ... Sorry i am not going to beat this topic with a broom. I am totally excited bad my car. I know in the past they have made a Solar car. and we all know Tesla (battery car) so now combine both acknowledges and then add gas too. Or simply just make it so the Gas motor charges the EV battery. .. they only way i know is to buy a very small gas generator that you have to park the car to charge.. I know that will work. In other words at a construction site you can charge your car at the job site. .... so carry a gas generator with you and charge you car any where with ot without the sun. The is a way , i am not knowledgeable in electricity.. .... it is small enough. and will charge the EV battery.Another one Rainier R2200i Super Quiet Portable Inverter Generator - 1800 Running & 2200 Peak - Gas Powered - CARB Compliant $375.00 will do the job too... I think. If the Gas Motor in the Prius charged the EV that solves my Idea. JerryMildred I do respect you for your knowledge.. and no i do not want to die for my idea. i will not do this to myself or my car. Thank you for you telling me What not to do safety issues.
OK ok press and hold it lights up, ok ... interesting.. Thank you, i'll try that.. But does it work when the EV batter is completely gone.. i mean use this when you are in Gas mode?? .. Hey , if so this is cool. long trip ... in mostly gas mode,, use this going do the road and charge EV while driving , i didn't know this thank you again
Yes it does. I keep telling people that I don't have time to NOT read the manual. Especially on this car. I've been working on it off & on for three days. Still picking up new stuff. I suggest you got to Toyota Online Owners Manuals and Warranty and download the free pdf versions of your owner's manuals. Much more convenient to find stuff that way than leafing through a dead tree. You'll be glad you did because you'll get a lot more pleasure out of your incredible car.
keep in mind that charge mode is less efficient than straight gas. you burn more gas to charge the battery. toyota offers a prime in japan with a solar roof, perhaps you could import one, or (easier) put solar panels on your home.
Awesome thank you again..... I idea of hacking the system (aka the car) Failed but that mean i spam Toyota design Dept. with ideas to improve the Prius. Note i do not plan on ever, ever sell it my 2019. If EV battery breaks or fails, I'll buy new EV bat. and go on. Shall we say this is the car that will die with me or i will it to my daughter LOL. One thing .. you know the 1973 Toyota model Pick-up truck ? I want Toyota to make a new one that size But make it a *EV / Gas* like the Prius Prime (plug-in). Note: the 1973 truck is Micro small truck and about half or 1/4 the size of the Tacoma. The logic here is if Tesla can make a EV truck then Toyota can make is better with Prius plug-in hybrid in a Truck. if they did i would hope for 35 to 40 average MPG city / Hwy. .. Thanks again. Jerry. Thank you Bisco i love that Idea.
Just to inform you that PRIME is already super efficient in HV mode using gas and ICE. Any attempt to generate electricity using gasoline, be it by a portable generator or CHARGE mode by the car will not save you any money or gas nor reduce overall emissions.
B mode makes the ice (internal combustion engine) spin, it does charge the traction battery, but...using the brakes above 12 mph also charges the traction battery, much more effieciently. Above 12 mph, the brakes charge the traction battery, below 12 mph the brakes push their pads against the rotors to stop you, watch the display as you go downhill using B mode vs using the brake pedal, big difference.