The engone shakes like its trying to tear itself apart. Dadh tells me it is currebtky getting 22mpg. I get codes telling me that thwre is a miss fire in cylinder 1 and 2 and sometimes 4. I have replaced all 4 cops. When that didnt work i swapped around the coils yo see if one of the new ones was bad. When that didbt work i replaced the spark plugs. When that didnt work i cleaned the injectors and mass air flow. When that didnt work i vhecked the resistance of the 4 fuel injectors and they came in between 11.1. And 11.6. I havent beem able to find the ideal resistance listed foe these fuel injectors. I also cant find the i formation needed to check the mass air flow sensor. Anybody have any ideas on what else could be wrong?
Try a search on "Misfire" for more information. Unfortunately a common problem with many generation 3 motors.
How many miles on the Prius? Has the egr circuit ever been cleansed? What about an oil catch can? Good luck and keep us posted .
Sounds like you have a good handle on things. Methodically going through things. Not doing more than one change/test at a time. That's pretty high miles so it was probably good to replace some of those parts anyway.