Hello everyone! Just purchased a 2010 85k Prius and was wondering if I should buy an extended warranty bumper to bumper for $3k..3 Years and 120k miles? Thanks...
Hell, no! Put that three grand in a “Repair and Maintenance” savings account. Don’t give it away to someone else! Every time some snake tries to sell you an extended warranty on a new purchase, pay the cost into this same account. Over time, you’ll come out WAY ahead by funding your own repairs. I’ve done this for years. For goodness’ sake, don’t finance an extended warranty, either. You bought a Prius. It is one of the most reliable cars you can buy. We own four... If you don’t believe me, check Consumer Reports, April, 2019 issue. — Bill Burkholder
Bill, thanks for your info! It’s my first Toyota and especially it’s my first hybrid. Someone totaled my car 3 weeks ago and enterprise rented me a Ford Fusion hybrid. I was like omg, let’s get a hybrid car now. So it was between a Ford Fusion and the Prius. Because of this site, I chosed the Prius! And I just got her yesterday and love it!