Got my Carista and it worked like a champ. I have one beep on reverse now, AND if I put gear stick is in N then the parking sensors shut off (This is for when you are in a carwash and the warning are freaking out).
I bought a BluTooth ODBII dongle from Amazon and downloaded the free app on my phone, Prius Tweak. It took me about 10 seconds to shut off the reverse beep and the seat belt alarms.
I have always found the whole reverse beeping thing baffling. The reverse beeping "feature" began with Gen 2 in 2005 when the shift knob was introduced. What I have observed in the ten plus years since this feature came out is that most people hate it, an "enlightened" few learn that it can be turned off, the rest just learn to live with it. And a few people even like it. I can understand having it beep once or twice when you first put it into reverse in case you did so by accident. I think that was the original intent since someone new to the Prius might get confused. But beeping the entire time that you are backing up makes no sense as it is pretty obvious from the direction that the scenery is moving which way you are going. Now the argument is that you could put it reverse and start backing up, then stop and talk to your neighbor and forget that you are in reverse, then start moving again. Well I guess that's possible but how likely is it that you forget that you are going to the grocery store and not coming home from it? The other scenario is that you put it into reverse intending to back up, then get distracted by a phone call or whatever, then decide to go forward instead but forget that you are in reverse. Okay although unlikely I agree those scenarios could happen. But if it's such a safety issue that continuous backup beeping is required, then why don't all cars do this? And you can't say it's because Toyota is all about safety, because as far as I know Prius is the only Toyota vehicle that does this. I would accept the following - reverse beeping that occurs anytime that you are in reverse but not moving. Once you start moving the beeping stops, it only resumes if you stop but remain in reverse. But I will only accept this if they do this in all of their vehicles not just Prius.
If you back into something accidentally you will realize why all commercial automobiles have a beeping feature. UPS requires it on all their trucks for safety reasons. Apparently they have determined that those beeps reduce accidents by a non-negligible amount.
These are not the same thing at all. The commercial and industrial vehicles have external beepers, to alert pedestrians and others the driver might not see. Prius has an internal beeper, which the potential unseen back-over and collision victims outside cannot hear.
The only problem is that the beeping is INSIDE the vehicle. Not outside. Also, if you don't notice the backup camera showing on your display when in reverse, there may be "other" issues in play.
The beeping in the commercial vehicles can also be heard inside the vehicle, although I agree it’s primarily for outside. Still it can’t hurt to have it beep so you know when it’s selected in reverse as opposed to another gear. I think that’s the intention of Toyota engineers.
Sadly no, I do not remember which app I ended up using. Only needed it for the reverse beeping noise so once that was fixed I deleted the app and threw the OBD2 dongle in a drawer to be forgotten. The OBD2 dongle came with instructions and suggested one app - I just couldn't figure out how to work that one. Maybe just do an app search for OBD2 prius?
And you can add an external beeper (about $150 installed), and convert internal beeper to single beep (done by my dealer for free) and attain nirvana!! What a difference! I use the manually controlled external beeper to try to clear the riff raff from around my stealthy Prime in the peasant-crowded parking lots here in Socal. Sadly, many of these buffoons have apparently gotten surgically implanted cellphones which have transported their feeble intellects to parts unknown; the only way to reach these fools is to give them a gentle bump on the nice person. Of course, when you perform this daring deed, you must verify that your attorney's retainer is up-to-date. After all, this is Socal, the litigation capital of the world!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
BTW, I did not say "nice person"; I used a pejorative for posterior region. Consider me dismayed by this "automated Big Brotherish" editing of my pearls of wisdom! Harumph, harumph!! Maybe I should have said "donkey"?! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I took mine to my dealer today and it took them 30 hour to disable the Reverse beep. I only hear one beep now. Thank goodness... Pixel 3 ?
If you have compatible OBDII dongle, you can use an Android phone and free app Prius Teak to change the reverse beep and seat belt warning beep setting. The app was no longer available in Google Play Store last time I checked, but it is still available for download from various sources for side loading. I tested the reverse beep to single beep, but both my wife and I actually liked continuous beep better. I switched back to the default soon after.
Should have mentioned this earlier - I actually had the dealer configure seat belt warning beeps and reverse beep before I picked up the vehicle.
The reason I turned off the continuous reverse beep is because I confused it with the proximity warning beeps. If I am backing into something, I really want it to catch my attention, and don't want to dismiss it as just the annoying reverse beep. I don't recall if the proximity alerts are common to all trims, or just the Advanced.
old thread i know. but-- so there's no way to turn the annoying beep off using the dash buttons like in a gen 2? i definitely don't need more than 1 beep.