hi. We have a 2001 Prius we cannot start so need help please. Car was laid up for 18 months so won't start. Leslie
Car should be towed to shop that can recharge the HV batteries, probably discharged or corroded. Prius must be run at least every 2 weeks for 5 minutes over 1000rpm to stay in operating condition IMHO.
It’s an old car and an old battery. Only the dealer or good Prius shop will be able to advise you. But it could just be the 12 volt battery is dead.
Can the gas engine be started with HV battery flat. Is there a cheat to start the gas engine when HV is dead. If we can start the gas engine it may help us sort the HV battery out.
The HV battery starts the car as it's the generator motor that is used to achieve this. So if your HV battery is flat, no start. Go through the simple stuff first. Check the 12V battery then you know where you stand. It's also a good idea to get Techstream and once you have a good 12V supply, you can check the HV battery modules. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.