I pulled the trigger on some aftermarket LED assemblies from vipmotoz yesterday... Now I'm having second thoughts as I wait for them to arrive. Has anyone used these specific assemblies, or other similar aftermarket ones?
I dont think the bulbs will last long but the housing should be fine. I've seen a couple guys run the black aftermarket housing. Not sure about this specific brand but I think you'll be good.
I was looking around, and seems like on Amazon, vipmotoz sells halogen assemblies instead of LED. However, they look the exact same to me, just $40 cheaper... are they the same assemblies, just without the LED bulbs the eBay listed ones come with?
More than likely the same just with different "bonus" purchases. Bonus being the bulbs included.. You can easily either run your current bulbs or pick up other bulbs, no prob. I run LED drop in bulbs in my OEM's. There is a bunch of discussions around which is best but I've found some that work for a few months, flicker and die, then some that last for a while then just dont turn on.. My current bulbs I've had in since May of last year without any issues.
So 3 months later, and I'm starting to see damage on the inside of the left headlight... That crack seems to be on the inside -- I can't feel it on the outside. I tried asking the seller about it, but they just blew me off by claiming I'm using a higher wattage bulb than suitable for the headlight material.... Despite the fact that I'm using the bulbs they sent with the headlight
I dont believe your bulb did this.. If anything it would start to melt where the bulb is mounted.. To me, it looks like someone bumped you..
That's what I thought as well. But wouldn't I be able to feel damage on the outside, if I got bumped into?
Not unless it was in a parking lot... Ive got several bumps on my rear bumper from Aholes that dont know how to park...
Can anyone assist me with wiring plugs modification? I was given the prius 4 lens housing and I want to replace my prius 1 H11 halogen housing. The plugs are different, can this be done and is there an adapter to do so. I've looked on YouTube and ebay and I guess no one has done this before.
Interesting, I assume you mean like the LED housing for the Prius 4 or 5 package? I've only changed the driver side headlight assembly on my 2013 with made in Taiwan aftermarket one that I wonder if the lens will stay clearer longer without treatment. I plan to replace the passenger side with another made in Taiwan aftermarket that looks really clear as well that I found in the Weller Self Serve yard on a 50% off sale. In regards to my 2006, I have converted the HID headlight assemblies to aftermarket clear lens new made in Taiwan, I think, Halogen assemblies. Man, that was an interesting chore. Anyhow, guessing you can reverse engineer the wiring diagram somehow and assure you have enough power. Would need to assure enough current was getting to whatever is needed. Maybe the Technical documents somewhere has the wiring diagram. @Mendel Leisk Any ideas who'd be the headlight assembly wiring guru for the different gen 3 packages? The more I think about, are the prius 4 headlight assemblies the auto leveling or something? The prius 5 seem to come to mind as the LED option?