Well POTUS 45 shares his surprise . That has to be worth something. Kraft wasn’t the only one cited, so they’ve been on the case for a bit. What I found interesting at least on the surface is this would be Krafts second visit to this establishment . Must have been worth the second look.
Sounds like you needed someone to assist in your time of need. You didn’t accompany Mrs. Bisco in the northern treck ? But with the inclement weather there, I can’t blame you.
if you only knew the self torture our kids are putting themselves through. two multi degreed adults without a lick of common sense. my wife is a softy, i refuse to be an enabler. she claims she won't do it again (we'll see)
I bet your response to Mrs. Bisco was “riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight”, which then followed with “yes dear I’ll take you to the airport”. The wife has some cousins that are similar. Degreed with good jobs but they are not shy in asking my Mother in-law to watch their daughter, which she never refuses to do. I make some comments to the wife from time to time, but I know my place with my comments and say it more for posturing. They did give us last Saturday night to go out to dinner and pick up a wine club shipment though.
i'm happy to babysit once a week and when necessary otherwise. but i'll decide what 'necessary' means. i love them, but don't appreciate being used. i can understand our dil, her background may have been different. but our son knows the protocol from his grandparents. then again, we all have to deal with our better halves the best way we know how.
speaking of which, i read an article saying bob kraft hasn't been the same person since his wife died. not that that's an excuse.
My in laws are retired and live 5 doors down from us. We only see them on the weekends or if there is a need during the week. It just bothers me when we respect their space yet others have no filter. But I married in, so I roll with it.
family foibles, twas ever thus. i like to keep things on as even a keel as possible, but i draw the line at drama time.
I wonder what that even means. I would hope that would lead to better choices, but when your net worth is in the neighborhood of $6B, what’s a little risk. Just better ways to do that than at a strip mall trolling IMO.
I try to stay drama free as well. We have enough without having to either look for it or inject some. Just glad the wife sees things similarly to avoid drama.
i read today that they can't extradite, so if he doesn't come to florida, there's nothing they can do. still, how do you face friends and family if they really have video? jerry jones must be snorting in his bourbon.
Probably with the benefit of reflection I hope he regrets it. Might be more than one though. But I would think it would be hard to please more than one at a time. I guess it all depends on the arrangement .
I would think video puts this in a different stratosphere, much like Kareem Hunt or Ray Rice. While their incidents are different (and unacceptable), the punishment due to video makes it noteworthy . Wonder what Goddell thinks.