Hi Luka, Not sure if you meant replacing all the cells (modules actually) or just a few. As answered above, replacing them all will cost you around $2500. You can have an independent shop do this for you. Benefit is that you'll also get a new case, new buss bars, new voltage sensing wires, new positive and negative leads and all new nuts and bolts. Of you just want to buy 1 or to NEW modules, that is also possible. Like to use as an electric bike battery or something. But there are better options. You cannot mixed old and NEW modules together in a Prius pack though. There will be too much difference between them and the car will not accept it. If you are looking to replace a few failed modules in your failing Prius pack, you'll want to buy USED modules. I sell to customers all the time. Clarify your question a bit and hopefully we can provide a better answer.