I have finally finished the head gasket but have two items left unconnected. One is electrical wiring about 3 feet long with a plastic plug on the end originating at the coolant reservoir. I beleive it may be a coolant level sensor. The second is a rubber hose about 3/4 inch diameter with spring clamps on each end. The only fitting I can see left is on the underside of the rectangular metal box on the driver's side of the motor near the cylinder head. The box connects to the exhaust tailpiece so I think its EGR and the hose fitting points downward and slightly forward. I think it's for coolant but don't see an attachment for it. Any help is appreciated.
I found the hose connections at the EGR assembly down tube and the water pump. The wire bundle actually has nothing to do with coolant but it joins another bundle near the coolant reservoir and then continues forward along the fender. Could be the passenger side headlight assembly. In the photo, the cable plug rests on top of the brake fluid reservoir.
Isn’t that one for the windshield wipers once you assemble the cowling back together? That’s what it looks like to me. We’ll be doing 2 egr circuit cleanses today at the Bay Area meet up, so I’ll know for certain in a couple of hours.
Thanks for the feedback!! I do have the egr coolant line figured out. Have not put the wipers back on yet so I missed the wiper motor connector that's clearly the same as the one on the wire bundle.