Elon Musk says Tesla's 'Dog Mode' could arrive as soon as this week Elon Musk says Tesla's 'Dog Mode' could arrive as soon as this week - Roadshow I don't have a dog. But you know that new features like this aren't always complete when they first arrive. I don't think that they will call this a beta version, but rather a ruff draft. Tesla already has Cabin Overheat Protection, which engages the climate control to keep the interior at a safe temperature, but Dog Mode will likely one-up it by allowing the climate control to run like it normally would, providing a room-temperature environment for animals left in the car briefly. The mode might also let the screen display a message that the dog is in a safe environment and that the owner will be right back. Mike
I do have a dog. I would find it more useful to have a "doggone" mode - your dog gets out of the fenced yard and your tesla would go find it - sort of like "summons" in reverse!
How can you object to something like this? Just seems somewhat pedestrian and underwhelming coming from the innovators who gave us "Maximum Plaid Mode". But I know my Dad has two dogs, and facilitating their ride comfort is a huge priority. So it may appeal to more people than I think. I think I'd like to be part of the group brainstorming the wording on the message that might be displayed on the screen. Might be more effective if they just loop some strategic cuts from the movie Cujo.
Dog mode is just another name for "Kid Mode". It's not politicaly correct to leave your kids in a car.
My son got Remote Start on his Prius v so he can leave his dogs comfortably in his car during summer outdoor dog agility trials. Many owners prop open their hatchbacks, cover the windows, & use battery operated fans to try & keep their pets comfortable in the summer. This is only news because the name Tesla is attached and it has a catchy name.
Well "Remote Start" comparison aside.... Seems to me this is exactly why a "Dog Mode" is an interesting idea. I'd rather push a button when exiting the vehicle...and know the climate is going to be fine. Than go to the trouble of propping open hatches, covering windows and using battery operated fans. I would also assume some owners would use "Dog Mode" for their own personal benefit...even if they don't have dogs. It is what it is. It's not the monolith in 2001. But I've known people to hinge big car making decisions on less criteria. Literally sometimes an extra cup holder, or a floor mat can be the difference in a choice. I've read threads where people have made $20,000 or more car buying decisions based on the availability or inclusion of an option or extra they could buy at Wal-Mart for $5.99. If "Dog Mode" can get a few buyers to sit and stay? Then it's worth it.
I think it is very funny that people who drive a Prius are making snide remarks on this thread about "dog mode."
I thought it would change the appearance of the Tesla to something ugly so it won't be a theft/break-in target
You have to admit it that Tesla knows how to market it's products. Elon Musk doesn't follow the pack, he leads. You know the saying about the lead dog.
All laughs aside, the dog mode (god backwards, BTW) makes sense and is impossible with ICE vehicles as there is often a "no idling" ordinance in place (and if there isn't, there should be). So this is something cars with ICE simply can not do legally!