Here is story the (!) Yellow comes on along with the triangle and car goes in limp mode,if you turn car off and back on the yellow (!) Goes off and car runs but the red triangle stays on until a obd2 is plugged in to clear it. Car is a 05 with 226,000 on clock
So what codes to you get on the OBDII? Bisco will be along in a bit to ask if you checked your 12 volt battery?
Op probably has a obd code reader that is not hybrid capable so will not pull any hybrid battery or inverter codes. There’s a few definitive issues that a Prius can experience.. One is the inverter coolant pump has failed And inverter is overheating and crow barring, the other is the the hybrid battery is failing and throwing a ground fault code. Another one is the engine ran out of engine oil because it’s a high mileage motor and is a oil eating little monster and no one checks there engine oil anymore at least on this site. All suppositions until a hybrid capable code reader pulls all the codes the car is throwing and then it’s usually quite clear what the issue is.
It says no codes found but then when you do the erase code the red triangle will go out car will start and go until the next time it does it.
Yep its pulling hybrid codes your not seeing but you can clear all logged OBD codes with any old tester. Your hybrid battery is throwing a ground fault which is a very common failure. It is caused by leaking electrolyte from a cracked or damaged battery and it becomes conductive and creates a voltage leakage path to ground. That leakage is highly monitored on a prius since the hybrid battery hi voltage is isolated from the car. It can be temporarily cleared and allow you to drive for a while till it logs again but many posts about explosions in the hybrid battery after forced driving with ground fault code. Reports of loud bangs in the back. I believe this code is also the one that rots out the hybrid battery ecu plug making a battery rebuild much more difficult. At the very least the hybrid battery needs to come out for inspection.
Your code reader can only read the engine ECU, and if it is better than a base model might also be able to read the ABS ECU. There are another 9+ ECUs that your scanner cannot read. The fact you have lights, but see no codes means, at least, 1 of those ECUs has a story to tell about what ails your car. Until you read those other ECUs and retrieve the codes they have set, you are flying blind. The scenario outlined by edthefox5 is certainly a possibility, but there are probably 10 or 20 other possibilities. Don't delay in finding out what is wrong, because if it is as ed says, you could be making a bad situation worse.
are you talking about the water pump? i heard thats a problem for gen 2 but not sure about the coolant pump
The ICE and inverter pumps are both know failure components on the Gen 2's. The ICE water pump will generally have tattle-tail coolant residue around the inner hood, pulley etc. The invertor pump when failed will not produce any visible turbulence on the inverter coolant reservoir.
With the brake reservoir right there in plain sight ... That should be pretty obvious What is leaking on the brake system ?
A lot of times when the brake fluid is low and nothings leaking it means your brake pads are almost gone. Have you had the brake pads checked lately?