Got these two codes and vsc, abs, (!) And red brake are lit up. Also can hear a clicking noise much more frequently than I used to. I used to only hear it when I opened the door. Thinking brake actuator but I wanted to know what you guys think first.
Yeap, it's the actuator. Here a my story
Just an update. I ended up getting a used actuator from eBay from a guy who had sold over 500 of them. I couldn't justify getting a brand new one since I could put almost 3 used ones in (including labor) for the price of a new one. Got my local mechanic to do it and he charged me $400 in labor which I thought was fair for the job. It's not something I wanted to do myself that's for sure. Everything seems to be working fine. It's quieter and doesn't come on near as much and no codes yet.
I did swap the actuator myself but the codes didn’t go away. And now when I break, It only breaks with left wheel and it feels it just hard breaks and slides. The caliper isn’t doing its job, so car is breaking with only driver side caliper.
Sounds like the brakes have not been bled properly. Did you use Techstream to do a complete system bled? What codes does Techstream show, if any?
This is how my brakes felt at the very end of my ABS pumping accumulator's life It works for 2 years with all the lights lit up perfectly I had brakes I drove 125 miles a day everyday for 2 years with all the lights on no beeps nothing just the lights. And then one day all of a sudden I put on the brakes and the front left or right caliper was the only thing breaking the car You touch the brakes at any speed in the car would head for the ditch hold the steering wheel str8 to compensate. Change the brake actuator from a car on premises the next morning bled completely manually as TIS was not up and running for Brake bleeding yet. Been working perfectly ever since never used TIS to bleed this car still haven't and it's working perfectly.