Consult local information sources*. Regret any inconvenience to those who were informed at any other than exactly correct moment for them. Full (or within few % of full) moon was scenic in previous PM and early this AM here. Folks on this side don't get this nice shadow pass. Doin' it for y'all. Hope to get some indirect joy from reports here. *Not bad advice in general.
Perhaps some Canadian observatory will put something on internet. USA is currently making itself great by not doing things. ((What a bitter person am I ))
Can't wake people up if they don't know they are asleep. == Know what lucid dreaming is? Something I've been playing with for a while. So realistic as to pass for reality. How to be sure one is in one or the other? Could be much better topic than eclipses, which finally are only shadows.
Supporting the thread drift: At least during the dream stage, distinguishing between the two seems to be getting more difficult with age. So I do start to wonder what memories internally labeled as reality might have leaked over from the dream side. When dealing with my late father-in-law, suffering some form of age related dementia, it became clear that the wall separating dreams from reality had fallen. E.g. five years after his original wife (my m-i-l) died, he thought he had remarried, had four new namesake sons, all grown to adults and living at home. We got no assistance from any of them, nor found any sign of them, when placing him into a care facility and cleaning out the house for sale. Nor where we able to find any contact info for the multiple wives he claimed to have thoughout the Southern U.S, Central America, and South America. But when digging through paperwork and potential hiding places for valuables and missing documents, I found many bookmarks in the encyclopedia set that corresponded to such fantastical memories. Fortunately, none of those supposed wives and additional children ever contacted the probate court to claim any part of the estate.
Lunar eclipses are frequent, and (it is said) great visuals from near lunar surface. Put a good camera there, link signal back to this planet, and make it pay per view
I could swear someone's sub-contracting my brain some nights; I seem to be in a series of tedious, bewildering workplaces. Sometimes... And once in a blue moon (ahem...) I can fly. Yup... Nice and clear tonight, bright, near-full moon. Supposed to happen tomorrow, and what ho: Yahoo Weather says partial sun tomorrow, might work out.
Supposed to start here at 9 pm (West Coast Canada, currently 7:42 pm). Clear as a bell in Vancouver. Our son set up a telescope in the back yard, which gives a pretty cool view, but just watching it eclipse with your eyes is the real treat.