2019 Prius Prime .... we do have quite a few arriving VERY soon, and I just received my first today. Awesome selection! All 2019 and a few are really unusual, super white premiums. On Prime, Toyota also offers a $750 rebate OR there's a 4.9 apr for 60 months, or 5.49 for 72 months. In California, these will have a purple HOV decal and, you'll get nearly 4 years in the diamond lanes! Of the models/colors below, what interests you? I am happy to send back pricing once I know what you'd like. Base (plus): Pearl white titanium glow Blue magnetism gray/black red/black (3) Premiums: Super white/black (2) Pearl white/black (3) Silver/black (3) Gray/black (4) Pearl Red/black (4) Titanium glow/black (2) Blue magnetism/black (4) Advanced models: Pearl white/black Silver/black Gray/black (4) Pearl Red/black (2) Titanium glow/black eMail me or call me. I need to know where you are, geographically, to fully help you. Dianne Whitmire Fleet and Internet Director South Coast Toyota 1970 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 [email protected] [email protected] (949) 764-4140 office (949) 689-0717 cell (707) 202-3618 fax
Dear Dianne, thanks for letting us know that MY2019's are incoming. Besides the addition of Super White exterior color, can you please tell me if there are any other changes, either cosmetic, design, or functional, for MY2019?
Dianne, I’m still loving my 2017 Prime you sold me in Dec 2017 and had it shipped to Utah. Hope all is well wth you and that you are enjoying your Prime also. Ben.