Good day everyone. I have been looking online for a while now in search of wiper blade refills for my two front wipers. I was able the remove the current blades and notice that they have a notch at the end of the blade on the rubber to secure it on the wiper blade casing. Any idea if there are refills that work the same?
Can you point me to the ones you bare referring to? I purchased some Trico blades a while back and they are garbage (they fall off and don't clip on very well).
Crap i can't seem to post the links, I tried 3 different ways. Search amazon for. 85214-30390 Passenger side 85214-68020 Drivers side 85214-0E050 Rear There ya go direct Toyota replacement refills. Easy to install to the factory wiper blades has the notch to hold them in place.
I just asked at the local stealership parts dept. and got quoted $19.99 for a whole new wiper blade; they don't sell refills any more. I checked at they show 85214-68020 as being for models up to 2014 but "could not confirm fitment" for a 2015 model. I have the Denso wiper blades that I bought on Amazon, but the rubber hasn't lasted a year yet: it wipes OK on the"upstroke" but then leaves a trail of tiny droplets on the "return stroke."
Same story at McGeorge, refills "not for sale": Toyota Online Parts | Genuine Toyota parts | Toyota Parts Online product search | Toyota Parts
Amazon has the 85214-68020 refills but claims that they do not fit the 2015 Prius. Is this perhaps the year that Toyota switched to wipers with non-replaceable refills? Can anyone confirm that that is the correct part for a Denso wiper blade?
I bought genuine Toyota OE refills through Amazon, only to find they do not fit the new genuine Toyota blades the dealership installed before I bought the car CPO. The dealer blades require narrower refills like those in other recent aftermarket blades. So I bought Walmart blades, which work well so far. I think they're uglier than the dealer blades, though.
I bought Kawoo hybrid frame wiper inserts from aliexpress. They are about $1 to $2.20 USD each. The rubbers fit directly on the OEM blade with the notch at the end. These are the cheapest wipers inserts I have ever purchased in my life. The cheap inserts worked well in removing water in the rain, but they squeaked because the rubber isn't as soft. The squeaking eventually went away after 3-4 months of use. They last pretty long too as I still don't need to replace them yet after 2 years.
I think my guess is close: on another Web site (now forgotten) it showed the 85214-68020 as being for a 2014 Prius up to some specific date of manufacture, so it looks as though it was during the 2014 model year that they switched. I've ordered a 85214-68020 refill. It should be here tomorrow, and I'll report back whether it fits the Denso 161-3126 wiper.
I can confirm that the 85214-68020 refill (Amazon Item# B003FADK7C) is a perfect fit for the Denso 161-3126 "Designer" wiper blade (Amazon Item# B007WMFDUQ), which I understand is the same as the earlier OEM blades but without the Toyota name on it,
Just bought refills at the dealer. Put them in wrong at first, as the curvature of the metal strips must face away from the windshield and the notches in the strips must line up with a bump on the inside of the groove in the rubber blade. See this instruction for further info.
I have silicon wipers, the wipe edges are tougher when cleaning harden crap on the windshield so they don't tear after months. But then again I don't have the wipers even installed to save more gas.
I think that attachment's one of my "babies", and when I posted it I railed about it not being a part of the Owner's Manual. Just like to rail some more, same subject...
Also, NutzAboutBolts has a couple nice viddies on this, entitled "2010-2015 Toyota Prius How to replace the front wiper insert" and "2010-2015 Toyota Prius How to replace the rear wiper insert", respectively.
Be careful what you wish for too: our previous Civic Owner's Manual, had instructions for changing the wipers, but cocked it up: if you pushed/lifted as they said, nothing much happened, except you got a sore back. Oh also: whenever taking the blades off the arms, be really cognizant, that bladeless arm can thwack down on the windshield hard enough to crack it, so lay a rolled up coat or blanket over the "landing zone".