What improvements if any did you receive? I am looking to change out that tiny little filter for one that flows a bit better. I was looking at the aFe Pro Dry S that fits in the Prius c. aFe part# 31-10237 since both motors use the same filter size. Odd that Toyota would put such a small filter on a larger 1.8L motor.
It's 1.8L, but it's only generating 95 hp through an Atkinson cycle. Per wiki: "Due to a smaller portion of the compression stroke being devoted to compressing the intake air, an Atkinson-cycle engine does not take in as much air as would a similarly designed and sized Otto-cycle engine."
I am totally aware of this, but what it does lead to is a smaller filter surface area that will dust load much faster, and lead to more frequent filter replacements. The 2010 Prius uses the same displacement engine and its filter is 8.66" x 7.36" whereas the Primes is only 7.0" x 4.64" I'm going to guess they can make more money selling air filters, so put the same filter from the 1.5L Prius C on the Prime and call it a day.
If the filter size is larger on the regular Prius, the above would be true... if the Prime used its ICE as often as the regular Prius.